Sunday, 31 March 2013


Today, we are talking about allergies.

I remember when I was in boarding school most people used them as an excuse to get out of chores but theres more to allergies than that.
Sometimes it is difficult to know when one is having an allergic reaction or a common cold or other illnesses.
Let us talk about it.

What are Allergies?

Allergies result when the body's immune system overreacts to a substance that is normally harmless. The substance, which is referred to as an allergen, could be anything from the pollen of a specific tree to a particular ingredient in a medication. It could be a puppy's dander or a food such as peanuts. While not everyone experiences allergies, some people are allergic to one specific thing, while others suffer a wide variety of different reactions to different allergens.Two of the most common types of allergies are seasonal outdoor allergies (seasonal allergic rhinitis) and year-round indoor allergies (perennial allergic rhinitis).Indoor allergens like dust, mould, mildew, and animal dander can irritate eyes, noses, and throats all year round.

Allergy signs and symptoms

Allergy symptoms may include the following:• sneezing• runny nose• itchy throat, nose, roof of the mouth• itchy, watery or red eyes• congestionAlthough allergies and colds have similar symptoms, there are some telltale signs that can help you differentiate between them. If you aren't sure whether you have allergies or just a cold, Your pharmacist or doctor can help determine the cause of your symptoms and recommend appropriate treatment.

Is it an allergy or a cold?

Symptoms of allergies

No Fever
Watery and Clear nasal discharge
Rarely Cough
It usually lasts weeks to months.

Symptoms of Colds

Sometimes Fever
Thick and Coloured Nasal Discharge
It usually lasts about a week

Avoiding allergens

Sidestep your triggers.
If you know what triggers your allergies, it is best to avoid it.For some people, allergy season lasts all year and its symptoms strike close to home. It can be challenging to avoid your allergy triggers when they're all over your house, but it can be done.

Deal with dust.
Keep the house as dust-free as possible. When dusting, use a damp cloth. The dust will cling to the cloth better this way, keeping it from floating off into the air. Regularly wash bed sheets in hot water, choose sturdy but lightweight fabric blankets that can withstand weekly washings.Wear protective wear when sweeping or vacuuming or ask someone else to vacuum for you.Smooth the surfaces. Dust clings to random clutter like clothes, books, and paperwork. Piles of pillows may please the eye, but they're dust collectors, too, as are stuffed toys. Houseplants seem like they would be good for the air, but they tend to accumulate dust and mould.You can regularly wipe down surfaces to get rid of dust.

Minimize the mould.
A cool, well-ventilated home with low humidity levels will invite less mould. Closed-in spaces such as closets, basements, and especially bathrooms are mould magnets. Shower curtains tend to get mouldy after repeated use and should either be regularly bleached or simply replaced.

Protect yourself from pet dander.
Unfortunately, most experts would recommend removing allergy-causing animals from the house. You may also want to consider implementing a strict "No pets allowed" policy in bed.

avoiding allergens

There are a wide range of treatments available for allergy sufferers, including prescription and non-prescription products. These include:
Nasal medications (decongestants)
Eye drops
Oral medications (example antihistamines)

Saturday, 30 March 2013

Hair...You Do Not Want It Here!

There is nothing as distracting as feeling a strand of hair on your chin ( that's if you are a woman). I find that once i feel that strand of hair i become obsessed with getting rid of it. I have to will my fingers away from my face after that.

I might forget it or pretend to forget it but the most annoying moment is when a guy notices the stray hair.

If you have ever felt uncomfortable about been hairier than the average woman, cheer up! You are not alone.

There are simple ways to get rid of unwanted hairs.

*Use tweezers to reduce facial hair.

Sterilize the ends of the tweezers with rubbing alcohol before and after plucking to avoid infection. Stretch the skin gently around the area that you want to pluck. Grip the hair near the root then firmly pull the hair.

Plucking facial hair is inexpensive, but time consuming. It can also be painful and lead to ingrown hairs if the hair breaks off underneath the skin. You can avoid ingrown hairs by pulling the hair gently as opposed to yanking it out with the tweezers.

Hair regrowth after plucking can occur in 3 to 8 weeks.

*Shave unwanted facial hair with a disposable razor.

( For more than a few strands)

Apply a shaving gel or foam to the chin or upper lip. Glide the razor across the skin in the direction that the hair grows. You can also use an electric razor for wet or dry shaving.Hair regrowth after shaving is fast: from a few hours to a few days.

*Try an at home waxing kit.

Waxing removes hair from the root. Warm wax should be applied to the desired area using the applicator that comes the kit then allowed to cool. Use your fingers to pull the cold wax off of your skin in the opposite direction of the hair growth. Regular waxing can reduce regrowth because this technique interrupts the development of hair follicles.

Regrowth can occur in 2 to 3 weeks.

*Try threading

Visit an expert. Hair regrows in 3 to 4 weeks.

*Use a hair growth inhibitor.

Visit your dermatologist to get a prescription for a hair inhibitor. Hair inhibitors

are plant based products that change the structure of hair follicles so that

the hair grows thin and soft and eventually it does not grow at all.

Apply the cream to the areas of your face where you want to reduce hair growth. The cream will remain on your skin. Follow the instructions that accompany the product.

Hair growth inhibitors can be used with other hair reduction methods such as threading, waxing and tweezing.

Results may take 4 to 6 months.

*Try a Laser Hair Treatment.

Laser hair treatments are very useful for getting rid of that unwanted hair. The

Laser gives off beams of heat and light to the roots of the hair and stops the

hair from growing after a period of time.To get the end result it will take 9 or more months but is much more worth it. It is more expensive at first, but in the end you save money


Shaving can lead to ingrown hairs. It can also result in cuts to the skin. Use a shaving lotion or gel to reduce irritation.

Waxing can be painful and may cause irritation and/or bleeding. Follow the directions provided with the home waxing kit you choose very carefully

See a doctor If:

#The hair grows rapidly

#You also have male features such as acne, deepening voice, increased muscle mass, and decreased breast size.

#You are concerned that medication may be worsening unwanted hair growth

Friday, 29 March 2013

Who are You Calling Fat?

I have always been the fat friend, deep down i know i am not fat. Yes, i know i am not. Its just i am surrounded by skinny friends even one who had a baby had the guts to be slimmer than i am presently during and after pregnancy. I go home and i am reminded how slim my mother was bla bla. I am with my current weight now but i did have times when i was unsure of myself.

I want to ask you a crucial question.

How can you tell if you need to lose weight ?

There are some concrete measures to tell whether your weight is putting you at risk for health problems.

BMI (body mass index): Your BMI is calculated based on your weight and height, and determines whether you are underweight, at a healthy weight, or are overweight or obese.

Weight in kilograms divided by height multiplied by height.

BMI = Weight (kg)/(Height (m) x Height (m))

Underweight = Less than 18.5

Normal = 18.5 - 24.9

Overweight = 25- 29.9

Overweight = 30 and Above

Waist circumference: Don't think your BMI is an accurate reflection of how healthy your weight is? For a few people, it isn't. If you have a high proportion of muscle, your BMI may define you as overweight even if your weight isn't actually a problem. Or, your BMI may say you're at a healthy weight, when in fact, you are carrying a high proportion of dangerous belly fat. For women, waist circumference should be below 88 cm (35 inches), while for men, it should be below 102 cm (40 inches).

The cold, hard numbers don't lie. But even if you know your weight is a problem, do you have to take action now? In a word, Yes!

While you may have the best intentions in the world to start a weight loss plan some time in the not-too-distant future, there really is no time like the present.

It may seem harmless to "weight it out a little" but if you don't take action now, you run the risk of gaining even more weight. Once people are overweight, their weight is more likely to keep increasing, eventually pushing them into obesity territory.

As we grow older, many people slowly gain small amounts of weight, even as little as 1 kilogram. That may not seem like much, but over time it can add up - turning a little excess weight into a "growing" problem.

Need another reason to maintain a healthy weight? A loss of 5% to 10% of your body weight along with 30 minutes a day of moderate exercise can reduce your risk of diabetes by almost 60%.

I hope i have not overwhelmed you with numbers.

Now you know if you need to lose weight or put on weight or stay where you are.

I Care.

Thursday, 28 March 2013

Staying Wet

Too much of a good thing?

I have been getting response from the super studs amongst us who have sworn to me that they are so good. They last so long that they have their lady friends worn out.

If the majority of men are long lasting (this has not been proven) in intercourse then I have to prepare the women.

Most women do not stay lubricated for long periods during rigorous intercourse. This does not mean she is not enjoying sex. It is caused by a variety of factors. Vaginal dryness may also result from insufficient excitement and stimulation or from hormonal changes, pregnancy or breast-feeding. Irritation from contraceptive creams and foams can also cause dryness, fear and anxiety about sexual intimacy.

What is lubrication anyway?

Vaginal lubrication occurs by a lubricating fluid that is naturally produced in a woman's vagina. Moistness is always present, but production increases during sexual arousal in anticipation of intercourse. Without sufficient lubrication sexual intercourse can be painful to the woman.

Why are you not “wet”?

* Perhaps you are under stress. It also happens as we age and it happens periodically throughout life as our hormones rise and fall.

* Have you changed any medications recently? Lots of medicines can cause vaginal dryness as a side effect.

What can you do?

*Try having a shower before intercourse. You will feel cleaner, fresher more confident to be adventurous. Note however when washing your nether regions before sex, use cold water as hot water can dry you out.

* Maybe you need a change! Slow down. Do more nonsexual touching, kissing and fondling to enable you to become more fully aroused. What fantasies might you want to try? How about a new toy or position? Maybe have a night of just oral play for both of you for a change. Also, have your partner use his fingers inside you . Some women can even ejaculate during intense orgasms! Then proceed to intercourse! You should be really wet by then.

* How about your diet? It is hot outside and our diet reflects how our body can respond. Are you eating a healthier diet with lots of fruits and veggies, or are you a meat and starch person? Lower the amount of high cholesterol foods, increase fruits and veggies and drink more water. The cleaner, healthier diet keeps all of your parts moving and your sex life benefits too! Take vitamins, especially zinc which helps with lubrication.

* How often are you having sex? Having sex regularly naturally keeps the juices flowing so keep trying to stay connected and let your body relax and enjoy the wonderful sensations!

*Female arousal usually takes more time than male arousal, so foreplay is crucial. Your brain needs to feel sexy so that your body can feel sexy.

* Try using a water-based lubricant for now. It will help to keep you lubricated and make penetration more comfortable. Different lubes have stimulants and flavorings

Try something new and different. Sex should never be the same thing every time so have some fun.

Looking forward to tips and tricks from you.

Wednesday, 27 March 2013

One Minute Man

Take me back,

show me what you got

Cos i don't want no one minute man!

How long do you last in bed?

Does it matter?

Are you satisfied with your lasting time during intercourse?

Is your partner satisfied?

Premature ejaculation is one of the most common sexual issues.

Do you know it is more common in younger men? Older men may have problems getting it up but with age and experience they are able to control ejaculation.

What is premature ejaculation?

Premature ejaculation is uncontrolled ejaculation either before or shortly after sexual penetration, with minimal sexual stimulation and before the person wishes.

In less fancy words premature ejaculation is when you cum too soon, sooner than you would have liked, before you had the chance to satisfy your partner.

(Side Note: Ladies if a guy comes too quickly it may be a direct compliment to you)

What causes premature ejaculation?

Most cases of premature ejaculation do not have a clear cause. Let us leave the causes to the scientists to figure out the and focus on bringing out the stud, the "energizer bunny", the inner cassanova in you.

Premature ejaculation may occur with a new partner, only in certain sexual situations, or if it has been a long time since the last ejaculation. Psychological and medical issues may contribute.

Tips and Tricks to increase lasting time

In many cases premature ejaculation resolves on its own over time without the need for medical treatment.

For some men, stopping or cutting down on the use of alcohol, tobacco, or illegal drugs may improve their ability to control ejaculation.

The mind is the most powerful drug

First, you need to learn to calm yourself down and lower your performance anxiety because premature ejaculation is associated with infrequent sex, men with low frequencies of sexual activity often get extra excited and aroused, which can lead to performance anxiety when sex presents itself. Even men with frequent sex can get extra-aroused. Think back on the scenarios you had in mind and let them play (of course those thoughts should not be of you cuming too quick).

Are you comfortable?

During sex, if you’re holding your breath, flexing your abs and muscles, or supporting your weight in certain sexual positions (missionary), you’re creating muscle tension that increases the potential for premature ejaculation.

Tell her how you like it

Men that are comfortable with their body image and with being touched often have lower ratings of sexual anxiety.

Let's Do Some Exercise

Start-Stop Method

The start-stop method is a tested method to learning to control and last longer. A man will stimulate his penis until he is ready to have an orgasm and then cease stop.

Why this self-administered torture? You’re training yourself to find your point of no return. This is the moment before orgasm when you’re about to explode. Instead of ejaculating, you stop the stimulation and allow the feeling of orgasm to subside.

Essentially, you’re teaching your mind and body to get comfortable with being in heightened states of arousal and learning orgasm approaches. At first, masturbate alone using the start-stop method, then use it with your partner (hand job), fellatio (blow job) and finally incorporate the start-stop method with intercourse.

Sex Positions

Who would’ve thought the positions we have sex in can impact premature ejaculation? Oddly enough, the most popular position is missionary, which is also the position associated most with premature ejaculation. For a man looking to cure premature ejaculation try positions that limit muscular tension such as female on top, side-to-side (spooning) and rear entry (doggy style) when both partners are on their knees.

Other Treatments

Personally, I think desensitising creams are a short-term fix. Why would you want to reduce your sensation? Isn’t the whole point of sex to feel sensation and find ways to enhance this? Condoms have similar desensitising aspects but at least protect you from STIs and pregnancy. Ejaculating before intercourse is another way to last longer. The more times we ejaculate in a sexual experience, the longer lasting we become and less semen we produce. Try cumming from a hand job or a blow job before full on sex.

What did i miss ?

How do you pros do it?

Tuesday, 26 March 2013

Fine Girl; No Bleaching

Is it possible to get rid of spots from your face or any part of your skin without bleaching? Is it possible to have a clear smooth complexion minus unnatural light skin? I have more questions. Are you Suffering From Low Self-Esteem because of how dark or uneven your skin color is? Tired of Wasting Money on Expensive Skin Whitening Products that do NOT Work? Applying strange creams in funny containers waiting to see a new you in the mirror? Feeling less attractive because you have dark skin? Applying excessive foundation or make up to get a false complexion? Frightened of having your picture taken because you hate the way your skin looks? I promise I am not trying to call anyone out. It just happens that for a while now I have searched up and down, high and low for what will give me that creamy Megan Good complexion or Paula Pattons’. I envy their skin tones. I realized I am more of a bronze goddess ( Okay that’s veering off topic and very close to falsehood.) I want great skin but I do not want to bleach( Egyptian milk is not for everyone). Then it came to me, why not just have clear beautiful skin dark or not! In my quest, I noticed that some of what was holding me back from my dream skin were these dark spots on my face. Some from acne, some parts of my face just darker than others. Also some patches on the other parts of my skin. I discovered it was Hyperpigmentation. In dermatology, Hyperpigmentation is the darkening of an area of skin or nail caused by excess melanin. Hyperpigmentation may be caused by sun damage, inflammation, or other skin injuries, including those related to acne and pimples. People with darker skin tones are also more prone to hyperpigmentation, especially if they have excess sun exposure. Many forms of hyperpigmentation occur affecting areas such as the face and the back of the hands. Hyperpigmentation can also be caused by using skin lightening lotions, this becomes obvious especially after discontinuing the use of those creams or lotions. Another form of hyperpigmentation is Post inflammatory hyperpigmentation. These are dark and discolored spots that appear on your skin following acne that has healed. Hyperpigmentation is very difficult to treat. It may take months to get the desired results. Laser Skin treatments produce good results but they are quite expensive, if you can afford them, go for it. You can always start with the basics. Cheer up! Long lasting results take time to achieve. You should know by now that quick solutions fail or fade fast. These simple lifestyle changes are a great place to start to treat your dark spot and patches. We know hyperpigmentation is caused by skin cell damage, so you give your body the tools to repair itself! • Exfoliate your face regularly - use a high quality scrub 3 to 4 times a week to encourage cell renewal and remove old, darker skin. New fresh skin will gradually emerge. Use a sponge or loofah for your body. • Use a high SPF sunscreen daily and avoid excessive sun exposure • Drink lots of water, when your skin tissues are hydrated they function properly and a lot of skin problems resolve on their own. • Avoid refined sugar and heavy carbohydrates • Eat lots of high anti-oxidant foods like fruits, vegetables and fibre • Take a daily Omega 3 supplement encourage skin cell repair • Get your daily dose of vitamin C with your diet or a quality supplement. Vitamin C actively reduces the production of melanin, and that means lighter dark spots and patches. We would talk more on this subject soon. Please share any tip orproducts that has worked for you.

Monday, 25 March 2013

You Beat It, You Beat Your Bad Habit?

This question is for my friend. You know yourself. Answer the question.

Have you really quit smoking?

I need answers? Why do people hide their smoking habits from their significant other? From their friends?

How do you really quit a bad habit?

How did you stay smoke free?

I have some textbook ways to help but i would really like to hear what you have tried.

Hang out in places where smoking is not allowed. It makes you feel better about your decision not to smoke, makes not smoking feel more normal for you, and helps you avoid temptation.

Write down in your journal everything positive that happened after you quit. Notice how you can taste your food more, how you can breathe easier, or how much money you've saved. Write the most powerful differences on a card, carry it with you, and read it often to make yourself feel good or use it in situations when you feel tempted to smoke.

Avoid testing yourself with "just one." Your brain will respond immediately to a cigarette and will start pushing you for more.

Avoid criticizing or punishing yourself if you have weak moments. Research shows it doesn't usually help - it only makes you feel bad, which in turn, may make you want to reach for a cigarette even more. Emotions are a natural cause for cravings, so don't spark them yourself.

Keep your personal space (house, car, workplace) smoke-free. Research shows that people who make their personal spaces smoke-free have better success remaining a non-smoker.

Keep cigarettes, lighters, ashtrays, and other reminders of smoking out of your personal space. Research also shows that these things signal your brain to want cigarettes, just like a red light signals you to stop your car.

Find things to keep yourself feeling good. Cigarettes used to help you feel good. It's time to figure out what else makes you feel good - physical activity, work on your house, hobbies, volunteering, playing in a sports league, coaching, cooking, gardening, and many more.

Learn to deal with lack of support. Not everyone is going to support you when you quit. Some people may feel defensive, threatened, left out, believe "things have changed," or feel pressure to change themselves. They may need some time to figure out what your changes mean for them, and how to adapt. Be as supportive of them as you can without ruining your chances of success.

Learn to use problem-solving skills. If you find yourself wavering, write down the details of the problem (don't guess). Write down at least 5 solutions, no matter how far out they are. Don't criticize any of them. Then choose as many as possible. Try them alone and in combination - start right away. Record what happens. Tinker with the solutions until you find the ones that work for each situation.

To prevent relapse, prepare in advance for situations that you know tempt you. Prepare a strategy to deal with each one.

What will you tell yourself to coach yourself through the temptation? Write it on a card. Carry it with you. It's too difficult to remember in the heat of the moment.

Who will you ask for help? What will you ask them to do - distract you, encourage you, go for a walk?

What will you do? Leave the situation, distract yourself, clean a closet, drink cold water, eat a hard candy, run around the block, mow the lawn? Practice your techniques in your mind and for real as often as you can so they become a more natural response than smoking.

I want to hear how you beat your bad habit.

Have a great week.

Sunday, 24 March 2013

Tackling the Mayhem of Oily Skin

This article is more for me than anyone i know. You see it is easy to spot me in pictures. I am the girl with the shiny face, the oily nose, the mirror forehead. So this is a reminder for me and some tips for you.

Oils produced by the body help keep skin healthy, but there can be too much of a good thing. Excess oil can lead to blemishes and acne flare-ups. Fortunately, there are plenty of ways to cut down on oiliness and clear complexion.

Ways to Care for Oily Skin


Dermatologists agree that the most effective way to manage oily skin is to cleanse your face both morning and night. Always use a gentle cleanser since harsh soaps can trigger the skin to increase oil production.

If a basic facial cleanser doesn’t cut oiliness, try a product that includes an acid such as benzoyl peroxide, salicylic acid, glycolic acid, or beta-hydroxy acid.


I recommend applying toners only on oily areas of the skin, such as the forehead, nose, and chin. Avoid using them on areas that tend to be dry or you’re likely to create dry patches on your skin.

Medicated Pads

Pads medicated with salicylic acid, glycolic acid, or other oil-cutting acid ingredients are another beauty routine option.You can carry them in your purse and use them on the run to freshen up your skin and remove excess oil.

Blotting Paper

Cosmetic blotting papers offer a great option for removing oil because they don’t dry out your skin. Apply it to oily areas, such as forehead, nose, and chin. Simply press it against the oily area long enough to absorb oil. Some blotting papers are lightly powdered, which further reduces shine.

Masks and Clays

Applying masks and clays to the skin helps draw out oils and cleanses pores, but there is also concern for over drying.


People who have oily skin often steer clear of moisturizers, To be honest i avoid creams myself .That’s a bad idea. Even oily skin needs to be moisturized to look its best as I've now learnt. To avoid an oily sheen, choose an oil-free moisturizer.

Oil-free Sunscreen

Sunscreens can pose a problem for people with oily skin since they tend to be thick and can block pores.Even so, protecting skin from ultraviolet radiation is absolutely essential.

Adapt Your Facial Regimen

How oily your skin appears can vary season by season, week by week, even day by day. Oil production is influenced by hormones, by mood, even by the weather.It’s important to be aware of how your skin varies so that you can adjust your regimen That’s important to know since overusing these products can cause skin to dry out.

Creams laced with tretinoin, adapalene, or tazarotene can also help by altering pores and reducing oiliness. Since these products can be irritating, it’s best to use them only on oily areas and only as often as you really need it.

It’s worth remembering that oil production is a normal part of healthy skin. People with naturally oily skin tend to have fewer wrinkles and healthier looking skin so don’t go overboard in your efforts. ( Thank heavens there is something positive).

Remove excess oiliness when you need to look your best, but be careful to preserve your skin’s natural anti-aging mechanism.

I hope this helps.

Happy Sunday!

Saturday, 23 March 2013

Stretch Marks

GIRL: Akpos darling, give me a pet name. You know we are in a relationship now.

AKPOS: Zebra girl

GIRL: Why?

AKPOS: Because of your stretch marks.

I found that joke quite funny even though i am a "Zebra Girl". I am on a quest to find the magic potion to get rid of stretch marks. If you have stretch marks, you would know they are one of the hardest things to get rid of.

Stretch marks are often the result of the rapid stretching of the skin associated with rapid growth or rapid weight changes. Stretch marks may also be influenced by hormonal changes associated with puberty, pregnancy, bodybuilding etc.

Stretch marks don't look the same on everyone. The appearance of stretch marks depends on the color of your skin; they can start out pink, reddish brown, brown, or dark brown, and fade over time to a more silvery color.Stretch marks can appear anywhere on the body, but are most likely to appear in places where larger amounts of fat are stored. Most common places are the abdomen (especially near the navel), breasts, upper arms, underarms, back, thighs (both inner and outer), hips, and buttocks. They pose no health risk in and of themselves, and do not compromise the body's ability to function normally and repair itself.

How to Get Rid of Stretch Marks

When stretch marks show up, it's best to treat them as early as possible

Research has focused on the early stages of stretch marks, when they are still red or purple and most readily respond to treatment.Once stretch marks pass the initial stage, when they are red or purple, to the later stages, where they become white or silver -- often with deep indentations -- they are much more challenging to treat.

Moisturizing three or four times a day with products that contain cocoa butter or shea butter as a prime ingredient will help. Using pure shea butter ( ori in yoruba language) is also beneficial.Massage the moisturizer deep into breasts, belly, hips, and buttocks.

Many products claim to "repair" stretch marks. But only a few a work.

Here is a list of ingredients in products which may help in treatment of stretch marks;

Wheat germ oil: There is not much scientific data on whether home remedies for stretch marks, such as wheat germ oil, can help. One recent study did find it helped improve stretch marks in their early phase.

Glycolic acid: Glycolic acid is an alpha hydroxy acid. It most likely works on stretch marks by boosting collagen production. Glycolic acid can also be administered in higher doses by a dermatologist.

Vitamin C: Certain formulations of vitamin C may also increase collagen production and help early-stage stretch marks.For maximum effect, combine with glycolic acid. Vitamin C supplements may also be effective about 500 milligrams three times a day.

Retinoids: Retinoids have been shown to be fairly effective in increasing collagen and elastic production during the early stages. But you should avoid them if you're pregnant or nursing. Retinol, tretinoin, and the prescription medications Differin, Renova, Retin-A, and Tazorac are examples of retinoids.

There are a few options on how to get rid of stretch marks actually. Cosmetic surgery or laser stretch mark removal is one option if you can afford it. Too many risks and costs associated with it.

Most people can get away with stretch mark removal cream. How effective it is depends on your skin. But at the minimum they definitely help reduce sketch mark to a large degree.

Myself personally, I was able to remove some of my sketch marks using creams. It is a slow process but i am making progress.

How do you deal with stretch marks?

Friday, 22 March 2013

No Respecter of Persons

It can happen to anyone;


Bank Executive,


It can happen at any time;

at the beach with friends,

on a queue in a banking hall,

during an exam.

You have experienced it before no doubt.

It may have struck for no obvious reason.

It may have struck due to traceable reasons.

My friends i am talking about none other than ........


Diarrhoea is passing looser or more frequent stools than is normal for you.

It affects most people from time to time and is usually nothing to worry about.

What causes diarrhoea?

There are many different causes of diarrhoea, but a bowel infection (gastroenteritis) is a common cause in both adults and children.

Gastroenteritis can be caused by:

a virus - such as a norovirus or rotavirus

bacteria - which is often found in contaminated food

a parasite

The symptoms associated with diarrhoea can vary depending on the cause. For example, if your diarrhoea is caused by an infection, you may also have a fever and severe stomach cramps.

In adults, bouts of diarrhoea can sometimes be the result of anxiety, or drinking too much coffee or alcohol. Diarrhoea can also be a side effect of certain types of medication.

Preventing diarrhoea

To prevent diarrhoea caused by infections, you should take steps to prevent the infection spreading. For example, make sure you:

wash your hands thoroughly after going to the toilet and before eating or preparing food

clean the toilet, including the handle and the seat, with disinfectant after each bout of diarrhoea

Avoid eating a places with poor hygiene practices.

Treating diarrhoea

Most cases of diarrhoea clear up after a few days without treatment.

In adults, it usually improves after 2-4 days. In children, it often lasts slightly longer, between 5-7 days.

Diarrhoea can lead to dehydration if it's severe and/or frequent so you should drink plenty of fluids (small, frequent sips of water) while you have diarrhoea.

It is very important that babies and small children do not become dehydrated.

You may take an oral rehydration solution (ORS) if you are particularly vulnerable to the effects of dehydration. For example, if you are 60 years of age or over, frail or you have a health condition, such as cardiovascular disease.

Antidiarrhoeal medicines are not usually necessary unless it is important you shorten the length of time your diarrhoea lasts (for example, if you need to take a long-haul flight, have an important meeting etc).

Loperamide is the preferred medicine because it has been shown to be effective and has few side effects. This medicine should be kept handy. Children should not take this medicine.


In adults, diarrhoea that lasts more than a few weeks may be a sign of a more serious condition, such as bowel cancer, Crohn's disease or irritable bowel syndrome (IBS).

If you have persistent diarrhoea, you should visit the doctor so a cause can be established.This is particularly important if you have blood or pus in your faeces.

If your child has had six or more episodes of diarrhoea in the last 24 hours, you should take them to a doctor.

Important points to note

Keep Loperamide handy.

Keep hydrated during episodes.

See a doctor if it goes on for too long.

Thursday, 21 March 2013

Are you a bad friend?

Can you tell your boyfriend his breadth stinks?

Can you tell your girlfriend? Your best friend? Your colleague?

I have a few questions is it possible to become so accustomed to someone's bad breadth?

What is the best approach to use when telling someone their breadth stinks?

The awkward irony of halitosis is that many people aren't aware that they have it.

(This why you need good friends) .This is because the cells in the nose that are responsible for the sense of smell actually become unresponsive to the continuous stream of bad odour. If you have bad breath, you may need to be told, or you may notice the negative reaction of other people when you're just too close!

Let us get to the science of it.

Halitosis is also referred to as oral malodor, but most of us know it quite simply as "bad breath." Even though it's a comparatively minor health problem, bad breath can be distressing and a bit of a social handicap.

Causes of Halitosis

The most common cause of bad breath is the food you eat. Garlic, onions, some kinds of fish, and diets rich in fat and meat can all result in halitosis. When these foods are digested, volatile substances or chemicals are absorbed into your bloodstream and are carried to your lungs where they are exhaled in your breath.

Missing meals, hunger, fasting, starvation, and low-calorie diets can also cause "hunger breath."

Because there is no flow of saliva during sleep rotting of saliva and debris from leftover food in the mouth can lead to bad breath in the morning.

Halitosis is also caused by:




periodontal or gum disease that causes teeth to become loose, thereby creating pockets in the gums that harbor bacteria and lead to bad breath

chronic lung or sinus infections

breathing through your mouth because of enlarged tonsils or adenoids

mouth infections such as thrush (candidiasis)

systemic diseases such as diabetes, liver disease, or kidney disorders


not brushing or flossing regularly

Taking certain medications can also cause bad breath, especially those that reduce the d flow of saliva and dry out the mouth (e.g., some antidepressants, antipsychotics, antihistamines, decongestants, and medications to reduce high blood pressure).

When you cannot rely on your friends or those around you to tell if your breadth stinks;
It's easy to self-diagnose bad breath.

You can lick your wrist, let it dry for a few seconds and smell the area, or cup your hands over your mouth and sniff your own breath. If you need a second or more trusted opinion ask a stranger or better still your dentist.

Here are some tips for getting rid of bad breath:

Brush your teeth 2 times a day and floss once daily.

Clean your tongue before bedtime by scraping with a plastic tongue cleaner or brushing gently.

Prevent hunger breath by eating regularly and avoiding fasting or skipping meals.

Ask your dentist to recommend a specific cleaning system that can help clean your mouth more thoroughly than with just regular brushing.

Keep your nose and sinuses clean.

Stimulate saliva flow with fruits such as oranges and lemons.

Drink at least 8 glasses of water daily to keep your mouth moist and to help rinse away odour-forming bacteria.

Decrease alcohol and coffee intake.

Ask your doctor or pharmacist whether your medications are causing problems of dry mouth that may be leading to bad breath.

Wednesday, 20 March 2013

You are doing that in public!

Good Looking girl.

Nice Shoes.

Nice outfit.

Lovely skin.

Scratching her weave in public without shame.

Tapping that head like its a drum.

We know what you are doing.

I feel your pain.

Treat your scalp!

Most likely you have dandruff.

Dandruff is a common scalp disorder affecting almost half of the population at the post-pubertal age and of any gender and ethnicity. It often causes itching. The severity of dandruff may fluctuate with season.


As the epidermal layer continually replaces itself, cells are pushed outward where they eventually die and flake off. For most individuals, these flakes of skin are too small to be visible. For people with dandruff, skin cells may mature and be shed in 2–7 days, as opposed to around a month in people without dandruff. The result is that dead skin cells are shed in large, oily clumps, which appear as white or grayish patches on the scalp, skin and clothes.

Dandruff has been shown to be the result of three required factors:

Skin oil commonly referred to as sebum or sebaceous secretions

The metabolic by-products of skin micro-organisms (most specifically Malassezia yeasts)

Individual susceptibility


When brushing your hair (your real hair), brush from your scalp down with steady, firm strokes. This will carry oil from your scalp where it can cause dandruff, along the hair strands where it will keep your hair shiny and healthy.

You can treat flaking and dryness with over-the-counter dandruff or medicated shampoos. Shampoo the hair vigorously and frequently (preferably daily). Loosen scales with the fingers, scrub for at least 5 minutes, and rinse thoroughly. Active ingredients in these shampoos include salicylic acid, coal tar, zinc, resorcin, ketoconazole, or selenium.

To apply shampoos, part the hair into small sections, apply to a small area at a time, and massage into the skin. If on face or chest, apply medicated lotion twice per day. Recently, creams classified as topical immune modulators are being used.

Also look out for shampoos and other hair products with these ingredients;

Zinc pyrithione (ZPT) heals the scalp by normalizing the epithelial keratinization or sebum production or both.


The properties of topical corticosteroids depend on the structure of the agent, the vehicle and the skin onto which it is used. Corticosteroids work via their anti-inflammatory and antiproliferative effects i.e inhibits excessive cell growth which causes dandruff.

Selenium sulfide

It is believed that selenium sulfide controls dandruff via its anti Malassezia (organism which causes dandruff).

Coal Tar

Coal tar is a keratoplastic causing the skin to shed dead cells from the top layer and slow skin cell growth.

Imidazole antifungal agents

Imidazole topical antifungals such as ketoconazole ( Nizoral)


Ciclopirox is widely used as an anti-dandruff agent in most preparations.


Neem has anti-fungal properties that can be effective in treating dandruff.

Black Pepper

Black pepper contains the dandruff fighting minerals zinc and selenium. In Indian traditional Ayurveda, powdered black pepper has been used to treat dandruff.

Egg oil

In India,Japanese and Chinese traditional medicine, egg oil was traditionally used as a treatment for dandruff.


Sandalwood and Lemon: Application of an emulsion prepared with the oil of sandalwood and lemon juice has been proven effective to cure dandruff. In traditional Ayurveda, sandalwood has many benefits. Its main component beta-santalol (~90%) has antimicrobial properties.

Viewers Discretion; The Uncircumcised Penis

For a while now i have been curious almost obsessed with the uncircumcised penis. How does it look? How does it feel? Do you have to take special care of it? Does it give the same pleasure as a circumcised penis? All these questions and many more. I am sure i have put thoughts in your head now. Well i have tried to answer my questions and the ones i have put into your head now. First of all, what is circumcision? Circumcision is a religious or cultural ritual for many Jewish and Islamic families, as well as certain aboriginal tribes in Africa and Australia. Circumcision can also be a matter of family tradition, personal hygiene or preventive health care. Sometimes there's a medical need for circumcision, such as when the foreskin is too tight to be pulled back (retracted) over the glans. Circumcision might have various health benefits, including: Easier hygiene. Circumcision makes it simpler to wash the penis. Washing beneath the foreskin of an uncircumcised penis is generally easy, however. Decreased risk of urinary tract infections. The overall risk of urinary tract infections in males is low, but these infections are more common in uncircumcised males. Severe infections early in life can lead to kidney problems later on. Decreased risk of sexually transmitted infections. Circumcised men might have a lower risk of certain sexually transmitted infections, including HIV. Still, safe sexual practices remain essential. Prevention of penile problems. Occasionally, the foreskin on an uncircumcised penis can be difficult or impossible to retract (phimosis). This can lead to inflammation of the foreskin or head of the penis. Decreased risk of penile cancer. Although cancer of the penis is rare, it's less common in circumcised men. In addition, cervical cancer is less common in the female sexual partners of circumcised men. Circumcision might not be an option if certain blood-clotting disorders are present. In addition, circumcision might not be appropriate for premature babies who still require medical care in the hospital nursery. Circumcision doesn't affect fertility, nor is circumcision generally thought to enhance or detract from sexual pleasure for men or their partners. older boys or men to reduce the risk of certain sexually transmitted infections. How does it look? Left; uncircumcised. Right; circumcised. Now the other things you have been thinking? well maybe just me. How do you put on a condom on an uncircumcised penis? The penis has to be hard before you put a condom on it. Pull the foreskin back first. Roll the condom down as far as it will go. Done. Is special care needed? Pull the foreskin all the way back to wash the head of the penis,this is done to prevent the accumulation of smegma ( a fluid that is found on male and female genitals). accumulation of smegma may cause an unpleasant smell. Dry the penis completely and apply talcum powder for fresh scent. It also helps to wash Penis after urination. Does sex feel different? Nope, sex with an uncircumcised man feels just the same as having sex with a circumcised man. ( I did my research.) Any other questions? What are your thoughts?

Tuesday, 19 March 2013

The Eyebrow Story

1) Outline the bottom with eyebrow pencil. 2) Outline the top. 3) Fill in leaving a little bit blank. 4) Using an angled brush fill in with brown eyeshadow. 5) Remove excess of product on your brush and brushing upwards gently fill in the blank spot for a “natural look” 6) Using a concealer brush clean the edges with a little bit of concealer. 7) Blend in the concealer and you’re done!

Monday, 18 March 2013

Stay Strong

Life is good, I gotta be honest," laughs Giuliana Rancic. She’s in her apartment in Chicago with her husband, Bill. And who’s napping in his room? Their baby boy, Edward Duke. "I’m in baby heaven," says the Italian-born TV host and fashion designer, sounding surprisingly calm considering that one year ago, after four years of struggling to conceive, she got the devastating news that she had breast cancer.

Viewers of the couple’s hit Style Network show Giuliana & Bill know the story well: Giuliana went through three IVFs (one she miscarried; one didn’t take), and then, at 36, was diagnosed with cancer. She had a double mastectomy. Unable to carry the embryos from her third IVF (due to her cancer medication), she enlisted a gestational surrogate, who gave birth to their son on August 29. Come November, after a few months of baby-bonding, it’s back to work.

On November 12, Giuliana will return to E! News with a new co-anchor, Terrence Jenkins. In addition to her co-hosting gig on E!'s Fashion Police, she has just launched her G by Giuliana Rancic collection on HSN, and will host NBC's spring show Ready for Love with Bill. Now, she tells Health what she's learned about staying positive when your world turns upside down.

Congratulations on Duke! What’s your favorite thing about him?

I love when I feed him in the middle of the night. Those moments are incredible, when it’s so quiet and there’s just a little bit of a light on, just looking at his little face.

The road to baby was a tough one for you. You’ve said you were blindsided by how difficult it was.

It was a big shock! I always say how I chased my career instead of chasing guys. And everybody was patting me on the back. No one ever told me, "Oh, by the way, your eggs change when you reach a certain age." I didn’t think 35 was old! So when the doctor said, "It’s not as easy as you thought it would be," it was a real blow. Because I felt so young. I mean, this is a girl who was running six miles a day, and eating healthy, so how can you tell me that I’m not healthy in that department?

So would you have done anything differently?

I don’t think I would’ve frozen my eggs. A lot of people throw that out there, like, "Oh, just freeze your eggs." That is major. It’s surgery! As a 25-year-old making not a lot of money, you’re not just going to go through all that and freeze your eggs.

Were you ever frustrated to see other women getting pregnant?

My first IVF I did get pregnant—that was the miscarriage. But the second one, I did not get pregnant, and that was the biggest kick in the stomach, because I just could not believe you go through so much to get those eggs and put them in, and when the doctor calls you, to hear, "Oh, sorry, it didn’t work." That was the most shocking. I would go, "I’m a good person, and I could give someone the greatest life of all, but yet I can’t get pregnant." And then you watch these TV shows, 16 and Pregnant, and these girls who want nothing to do with their babies are pregnant. And you’re going, what? None of that made sense to me.

Had you known what was coming, would you have chosen to keep any of this private?

Had you given me a crystal ball when we were signing on to do the reality show that said, "This is what’s coming up, do you want to do it?" I would’ve said absolutely not. You couldn’t pay me enough. But, looking back, I’m so happy that I did do it. As I would question God, "Why are you doing this to me, why me?" I think God knew I was a loud-mouthed Italian girl who would get out and share my story, not tuck it under a rug.

After finding your cancer, did you know what your next steps would be?

No way, are you kidding? I was shell-shocked. I thought I was going to die. I didn’t know that if you find breast cancer early enough, you have a 98 percent survival rate. I went to work right after finding out and did E! News. I recently watched that episode and I don’t know how I pulled it off. Afterward, I ran into my dressing room and started hysterically crying. Bill was really the one who had to pick me up off the floor and say, "Hey, we’re making a plan here." He took over.

Jim Wright

You seem to display such grace under pressure. What is your secret?

Focus on the positive. Whenever I was so sad, when I was on the floor kicking and screaming and crying, the best way I could pull out of it was when I would remind myself: Even with this happening, you’re still better off than a lot of people. For me, it was saying, "Yes, I have breast cancer. Yes, I had to have a double mastectomy." But, you know what? Thank God I’m going to a good doctor. I’m so fortunate I found it early. I’m so fortunate to have Bill. I’m so fortunate that I have a boss who understands.

What is your cancer prognosis right now?

As of this week, I’m a one-year survivor! I get checked every three months, and I’m looking good.

Where do you feel your absolute happiest?

Taking a long walk on the lakefront of Chicago with my husband and my baby boy.

This interview was culled from It is quite lengthy but its one that should give hope. Things might not be the way you envisioned right now, do not let things weigh you down . Hang in there. Stay positive!

Best Ways to Start Your Day

How our day turns out depends more on internal factors, us than any other thing. You are in control of your day.

The start of the week can be gloomy or magical depending on your outlook.

In the quest for ultimate productivity it’s important to think about how you get started in the morning.

As easy as it is to skimp on your routine, rush breakfast, and then try to dive right into work — that’s not usually the best way to go.

Without starting your morning properly you may never hit your full efficiency, or worse, you could doom the rest of your day to failure.

On the positive side, a good morning routine can make it a whole lot easier to be productive for the rest of the day.

With that in mind, here are 5 ways to start a very productive day:

1. Get a good night’s sleep

If you have to be awake 4 hours after you went to sleep, then you’ll probably have a very difficult time being productive for the rest of the day. If you get a full 8 hours, on the other hand, things will look much rosier.

Sleep deprivation has been shown to severely reduce productivity, dramatically shorten your attention span, contribute to obesity and other health problems.

2. Spend 20 minutes being disciplined

Get in the habit of doing something every morning that requires a lot of discipline. Find something that is very good for you, something that you feel great about doing. Exercise is a great idea; run, jog, take a walk anything that suits you.

Personally, i like to show my gratitude, say a prayer, read something inspirational.

3. Eat Breakfast

There really isn’t much to say about this, except that its importance has been studied and proven as much as the importance of sleep. So eat your breakfast, and eat it good.

4. Clarify EXACTLY what tasks are productive

Don’t just write a task list every morning — we all know that it’s possible to work hard all day long and not really accomplish anything.

Spend 10 minutes and think about the following:

What you have to do today

What you’ve been putting off doing

What you’d like to do today

5. Get into work mode

Once you’ve completed your morning routine, had breakfast, clarified your daily goals, etc… it’s time to get into work mode. Shower (or don’t), shave (or don’t), get dressed (or don’t), drive to the office (or not), and basically do whatever you need to do to get ready for work.

Once you have completed your routine, you can step away from all things not related to work and get down to business.

Have a great week!

These points have helped me sharpen my productivity, but each person is different. Do you have any tips that you use to help kick-start a productive day?

Sunday, 17 March 2013

How I destroyed a Marriage

How I Destroyed a Marriage

There is a lesson in here, I promise.

One day at work a lady came in. She looked good. She was gorgeous, the hair was right, she had brilliant skin, the shoes were to die for. She was good looking woman in her mid thirties. She complained that she noticed some unusual discharge and pain during urination. She had tried to treat a fungal infection with clotrimazole.‘I really need something that would get rid of the discomfort, I am not sure if you understand’.‘I do, madam’. As we talked, a handsome man walked in, I know little about suits but his looked impeccable. He was the kind of man anyone would find attractive. Maybe I was lost staring at him because the next thing out of my mouth was a bomb. She said to me, ‘This is my husband’. It was then it came out, ‘Madam, he needs to take the same medication as well so you do not get reinfected’. A light came to her eyes. She screeched, ‘I knew it! I knew it! I knew it was you, I am so &%%king pissed’. She stormed out. I was literarily frozen, so was he.She came back into the building, pointing fingers at him, ‘I tried to give you the benefit of doubt’. I found my voice then, I tried to calm her telling her it could be just a toilet infection. She said to me, ‘Sweety, I know when it is just a toilet infection. He went alone on a trip last week and these symptoms only started after he returned’. The look on his face was priceless.
I hurriedly sold the medication to them. I cursed myself for being so tactless in handling the situation. I realized that spreading an infection to a loved one is the easiest way to confirm infidelity. The tips highlighted below will not only help in preventing you from passing on infections but protect you from being infected as well.

How to prevent spreading infections to loved ones.

1. Know your health status for example your HIV status
2. Know your partners’ health status.
3. Know your partners’ sexual history and health status.
4. Use a condom
5. Get immunized ; vaccinations are available that will help prevent Hepatitis B and Human Papilloma Virus.
6. Avoid risky sexual practices especially when unsure of your partners’ health status. Example anal sex and sexual positions that may cause the condom to break.
7. Exercise caution with animals.
8. Do not share personal items like toothbrushes, towels, razors.
9. Do not abuse alcohol or recreational drugs: losing full mental control can lead to dangerous situations or poor decision making.
10. Proper hygiene.

Urinary Tract Infections

Urinary Tract Infections( UTI )

A UTI is an infection in the urinary tract. Bacteria are the most common cause of UTIs. Normally, bacteria that enter the urinary tract are rapidly removed by the body before they cause symptoms. However, sometimes bacteria overcome the body’s natural defenses and cause an infection. UTIs go by a variety of names, depending on where they happen along the urinary tract:

What are the symptoms of a UTI?

Symptoms can vary between individuals and often depend on a person’s age, gender, and whether a catheter is present. Symptoms include:

Frequent and intense urge to urinate

Painful, burning feeling in the bladder or urethra during urination

Small amount of urine

Cloudy, dark, bloody, or foul smelling urine


Feeling tired, shaky, or weak

Muscle aches

Abdominal pain

How are UTIs diagnosed?

If a UTI is suspected, a urine sample will be obtained by your provider. The best sample of urine to obtain is midstream placed in a sterile cup to avoid “normal bacterial flora” or contamination from the body. The sample of urine is then sent for analysis and to determine if a culture is then needed to identify specific bacteria causing the infection. If an individual is unable to provide a urine sample himself or herself, a sterile catheter is used at times to obtain the urine sample.

How are UTIs treated?

Most UTIs are caused by bacteria, which are treated with antibiotics or antimicrobials. When a UTI occurs in a healthy person with a normal, unobstructed urinary tract, the term “uncomplicated” is used to describe the infection. Most healthy young women who have UTIs have uncomplicated UTIs, and can be cured with a short course of oral antibiotics.It is important to finish the prescribed antibiotic regimen even if your symptoms resolve. For a severe UTI, oral and/or intravenous antibiotics may need to be given based on results of a urine culture to tailor treatment on the specific bug (s) causing the infection.

How can I avoid getting a UTI?

1. When nature calls, answer: Urinate when you need to. Don’t hold it. Pass urine before and after sex. For women, after you pass urine or have a bowel movement , wipe from front to back.

2. Keep hydrated: Try for 6 to 8 glasses of water a day.

3. Keep clean: Make sure to practice good, regular genital hygiene.

4. Wear breathable clothes: Let the genital area breathe. Wear cotton undergarments, and avoid tight-fitting pants.

5. Opt for pads rather than tampons : Tampons increase the risk of developing a UTI.

6. Do not Douche: Keep all perfumed products away from your genitals.

7. Taking showers instead of baths helps prevent bacteria from entering the urethra and causing a UTI.

8. Always wash your genital area both before and after sexual intercourse to help prevent transferring bacteria to the urethra or vaginal area.

9. Drink cranberry juice which is fairly well known as a natural way of preventing UTIs.

10. Another nutritional route is taking Vitamin C supplements. Vitamin C increases the acidity level of urine which decreases the number of harmful bacteria.

Saturday, 16 March 2013

Foods your baby should not eat just yet.

Important Note:The information on this page is for educational and inspirational purposes only and is not meant to replace the advise given to you by your doctor. Consult your doctor or medical proffessionals for medical advise on which foods to aviod introducing to your baby during the first year.

Foods to avoid giving to babies under the age of 1 year


should never be given to babies under 1 year of age as they may in very rare cases cause Infant Botulism is a paralytic illness which happens when a baby ingests the bacterium Clostridium Botulinum through food stuffs such as honey, corn syrup and marple syrup. These bacteria produce a toxin known as Botulinum Toxin in an infants imature intestine.


Contains tannins that can restrict vitamin reuptake.


Fishes such as tuna should never be given to babies under the age of 1 year as they may contain high levels of heavy metals such as mercury which can easily cause damage to a babys nervous system.

Raw Eggs

Raw eggs may contain the bacteria salmonella which can cause severe food poisoning. Foods such as homemade icecream and mayonaise should be avoided. Eggs can also cause allergic reactions, so consult your doctor before introducing egg to your babies diet.

Peanuts and other nuts

Nuts especially peanuts can cause serious allergic reactions and apart from that present a potential choking hazard to babies and small children.


The kidneys of children younger than 1 year of age are not developed enough to cope with high salt levels. Ready made foods that are meant for adults usually contain high amounts of salt and therefore should never be fed to Babies. Soy sauce, sausages and bacon are some of the foods that normally contain quite high amounts of salt.


Sugar is simply not good for your babies teeth and health. Babies get enough sugar from breastmilk, milk formulas and fruits. A babies teeth are more vulnarable to tooth decay than an adults teeth. Avoid giving babies sweet foods such as cookies to avoid encouraging a sweet tooth in the first place for healthier milk teeth and future permanent teeth.

Some Vegetables such as Spinach, fennel, beetrot, lettuce, and nettles

These vegetables are likely to contain high levels of nitrates . When babies ingest nitrates they are quickly converted to nitrites because very young babies lack the stomach acids that help keep nitrates at check. The nitrites disturb the bloods ability to transport oxygen leading to Blue Baby Syndrome, i.e. low oxygen levels.

Fruit Juices

Fruit juice is not suitable for babies as it has negligible nutritional benefits and can reduce amount of breast milk consumed.

Soy milk, Reduced Fat milk

They are a poor source of iron and not a suitable alternative to breast milk and formula for babies.

Friday, 15 March 2013

High on Cheap Drugs

As a young pharmacist, I can take a loan from a bank now, open a community pharmacy stock it with Benylin with codeine and I am set for life.

What is it with this drug?

Some people use it because they feel it gives them the strength to go the extra mile. In this part of the world, due to a lot of factors, most men are not sexually active, and when they find anything that can assist them, they will abuse it. That is why Viagra was abused when it came. And this one is cheaper than Viagra, so it is easier to take.

(Excerpts Culled from This is just tells you how far the misconception has gone.

Benylin is a trademark of a company; it has several products for cough. Many companies have jumped the wagon and have started producing drugs with codeine. In my line of work i have seen different categories of codeine addicts, some in suits, some "bad guys" in swag clothing, older women. People are getting a high from these cough syrups that i can not even understand.

I am just going to state here what codeine is used for and its side effects.

Codeine is used to relieve mild to moderate pain. It is also used, usually in combination with other medications, to reduce coughing. Combination products that contain codeine and promethazine should not be used in children younger than 16 years of age. Codeine will help relieve symptoms but will not treat the cause of symptoms or speed recovery. Codeine belongs to a class of medications called opiate (narcotic) analgesics and to a class of medications called antitussives. When codeine is used to treat pain, it works by changing the way the body senses pain. When codeine is used to reduce coughing, it works by decreasing the activity in the part of the brain that causes coughing.

Possible Side Effects

Codeine may cause side effects. Tell your doctor if any of these symptoms are severe or do not go away:





mood changes




stomach pain

difficulty urinating

Some side effects can be serious. If you experience any of the following symptoms, call your doctor immediately:

difficulty breathing or swallowing

fast, pounding, or irregular heartbeat




changes in vision


Misuse can lead to dulling type effect, a lack of co ordination.

Dependence: this can occur within two to three weeks of use.

Respiratory depression.

On a lighter note: How to spot a codeine addict?

He/she always claims to have cough.

He/ She is not a health care professional yet knows all the different brands.

Does not mind spending any amount on it.

Will have more than 2 bottles at home.

Starts to sound sluggish after a while.

What do you use Codeine for?

If you think you know an addict, please help them seek medical attention.

You would not get fat on my watch!

One of the biggest contributing factors to weight gain and obesity is frequent, unhealthy snacking. It’s easy to justify grabbing something to eat in between meals or late at night when your stomach won’t stop growling; not being hungry can result in better sleep, higher productivity and better focus. But it’s very easy to cross the line from " I would have a few bites" to full on overeating; have you ever opened a can of pringles and eaten absent mindedly till you are shocked its gone? Or, think about the last time someone brought cake into the office—did you find yourself going having slice after slice promising yourself each one would be the last? ( Sadly, this last scenario depicts my behavior when cake is in sight *sigh* we are all learning).

These are the kinds of mindless snacking that can have significant negative effects on your diet, digestion and overall health, so it’s important to find a balance between snacks that will make your taste buds happy and snacks that won’t expand your waistline. Try some these snack ideas when next you are in the mood.

1. Fruit

Nothing says “healthy” quite like a fresh piece of fruit. In an age of processed foods, fruits are lacking in the diet of most people. Buy the fruits in season to have handy when hunger or boredom pains come knocking.

2. Yoghurt:

Every now and then substitute yoghurt for ice cream.

3. Popcorn:

If you’re deciding between potato chips, hotdog, sharwarma or popcorn at the movies. popcorn should be the clear winner. Popcorn has much less salt and fat than the other options. Look for the reduced-fat and lower salt varieties rather than the butter-soaked kinds if you are buying a bag at a store.

4. Plantain Chips:

Plantain is a great source of pottasium, vitamin A and fibres. They are also a rich source of proteins. When next you in the mood try this out.

5. Mixed Nuts:

Nuts are not only an excellent source of protein, but they provide your body with the healthy fats it needs to function properly. Health benefits vary between types of nuts, but they include promoting heart health, fighting disease and reducing inflammation. Walnuts, groundnuts, cashew nuts are all good choices.

6. Crackers:

Instead of high calorie biscuits.

5. Protein bars

( yes, they are available in Nigeria. GNC Live well stores stocks them)

6. Carrots:

These will definitely keep you busy.

7. Whole wheat bread

8. Dark Chocolate:

Rich in chocolatey taste, less calories.

9. Cucumber

Cucumbers are a quick pick me up. They are made up of 95% water so they keep the body hydrated, also a great source of Vitamin C. They are great for the skin.

10. Replace soft drinks

Drink water, make your own fruit juices or smoothies.

Drink zobo, Drink kunu.

Reduce your sugar intake.

Thursday, 14 March 2013

Quiz Time

Some people feel the issue of sexual health has been over flogged. I want to know how true that is to maybe modify my campaign. The answers are at the bottom of the post. Do not cheat!
(This is impossible for some). This is just to create awareness and show that many of us still have some misconceptions.

It has been a week since this blog was started, i would love to hear from you, please leave your thoughts or opinions in the comment box or send me an email concerning what topics you would like to read about. email:

Here is a short quiz to test your knowledge of Sexually Transmitted Infections(STI).

1. What is the most common STI in Nigeria?

A. Gonorrhea

B. Herpes


2. What are the two STIs that do not have cures?

A. Chlamydia and Gonorrhea

B. Chlamydia and Human Papiloma Virus (HPV)

C. Herpes and Gonorrhea

D. HPV and Herpes

3. What are the four fluids that can transmit HIV

A. Blood, Semen, Urine, Saliva

B. Blood, Semen, Vaginal fluid, Breast milk

C. Blood, Semen, Vaginal fluid, Saliva

D. Blood, Semen, Vaginal fluid, Urine

4. Name two STIs that do not have symptoms

A. Chlamydia and HPV

B. HPV and Herpes

C. Chlamydia and Gonorrhea

D. Herpes and Syphillis

E. Syphillis and Gonorrhea

5. What is the best lubricant to use with latex condoms

A. Water based

B. Oil based

C. Vaseline

6. The following infections do NOT cause infertility

A. Chlamydia

B. Pelvic Inflammatory Disease

C. Gonorrhea

D. Trichomonas

7. What are the STIs that can be cured with an antibiotic

A. Chlamydia and Gonorrhea

B. Chlamydia and HPV

C. Herpes and Gonorrhea

D. HPV and Herpes


8. All genital infections are as a result of sexual contact

9. You can get several sexually transmitted diseases at one time

10. You can get sexually transmitted diseases from oral sex.

ANSWERS: 1.A 2.D 3.B 4. Gonorrhea, Chlamydia, Syphillis can be silent infections 5. A 6.D 7. Chlamydia, Syphillis, Gonorrhea can be cured with antibiotics 8.F 9. T 10. T

Wednesday, 13 March 2013

27 Ways to Relax

1. Hug someone.

2. Mono-task, as opposed to multitasking.

3. Go for a walk, run or swim or any other sport.

4. Stretch.

5. Laugh.

6. Play a game. Sudoku, crosswords, scrabble, whatever.

7.Cover your eyes with an eye pillow. Allow your anxious eyeballs to feel like they're floating rather than gripping.

8. Drink a cup of hot tea. Or iced if that makes you feel better!

9. Play with your pet.

10. Read.

11. Turn off your electronics. Enjoy the quiet.

12. Soak in a bath.

13. Dance.

14. Take a 5-minute break to clear your mind and breathe.

15. Enjoy the outdoors.

16. Progressively tense each muscle, holding each for 5 seconds then releasing.

17. Take a whiff of a favourite soothing scent, maybe citrus or lavender.

18. Clear off your desk or clean out the drawers of your dresser. De-cluttered can equal destressed.

19. Indulge in a massage.

20. Soak your feet in Epsom salts.

21. Listen to your favourite music.

22. Light a candle and watch the flame flicker.

23. Write in a diary.

24. Talk to a friend.

25. Make everyday activities more meditative. Like walking, for instance. Rather than rush down the hallway, place one foot in front of the other and really feel your feet ground into the earth with each step.

26. Unplug (or turn off) your phone.

27. Strive to take deep breaths to reach the tight spaces of your body - try to feel your breathing in your lower back and your shoulders.

It is okay Baby, I am on my safe period

"It is okay honey, i am on my safe period".

Think before you utter those words except your plan is to corner the guy into some form of commitment if that is the case Ride on Sister!

If not, Are you really safe when you are on your "safe period"?

Do you even know how to calculate it?

Is there really a safe period?

Do you know your safe period?

For a very long time i was actually confused about this safe period of a thing. I could not understand its mechanism. I am proud to announce that i have gone back to my books and conducted some research.

The safe period is one of the periodic abstinence techniques . This means that proper calculation can only be done if you have stayed off sex for a period of time to observe how your body works. This way you know what is normal and what is not.

This method is officially called The Calendar or Rhythm Method. It is quite popular amongst older women. Women with regular cycles may use this method and those great at keeping records (we do not all fall into this category i am afraid).

The good thing about this method is that it does not require daily monitoring however a record of 6 (six) consecutive cycles is needed to calculate your safe period.

This is how it is calculated

-Record the number of days in the 6 consecutive cycles. The first day of menstruation is Day one of the cycle. The number of days between each cycle day one is the length of your menstrual cycle.

- Calculate the first fertile day by subtracting 18 from the shortest cycle.

First Fertile day= Shortest Cycle - 18

- Calculate the last fertile day by subtracting 11 from the longest cycle.

Last fertile day= Longest Cycle - 11

- Avoid sexual intercourse during the fertile phase.

For example if the last cycles were 28, 26, 29, 27, 29 and 27 days long.

The first fertile day is 26 - 18 = 8

The last fertile day is 29 - 11 = 18

Avoid sexual intercourse between Day 8 to Day 18. The other days can be regarded as safe.

I must have raised some questions.

Can you get pregnant during your period? Yes...but the chances are slimmer.

Can you get pregnant the day after your period? Yes.

Who knew you would need mathematics to have sex??

8 Signs of Appendicitis

When is a stomach ache a minor ailment or something more serious?

Our appendix serves no vital purpose, but the small, narrow pouch that sits next to the large intestine can still cause problems. An obstruction caused by food waste or even a gastrointestinal infection can cause the inflammation that leads to appendicitis. Appendicitis occurs when the inflamed appendix swells and becomes infected. It is not preventable.

Appendicitis can strike anyone, although it occurs most often in people between 10 and 30 years old. Approximately 8% of people get appendicitis sometime during their life.

8 Signs of Appendicitis:

1. Severe pain on the lower right side of the abdomen. The pain usually starts in the middle of the abdomen near the belly button and moves to the lower right side as the pain becomes sharper. Walking, talking or coughing can cause the pain to get worse.

2. Nausea

3. Vomiting

4. Constipation

5. Diarrhea

6. A low grade fever

7. Abdominal swelling

8. Loss of appetite

Pain in the abdomen is common and each symptom can mean a number of other conditions. However, since appendicitis can strike quickly, it’s important to contact your doctor if any of these other symptoms accompany abdominal pain.

Treating appendicitis usually involves surgery to remove the appendix. Appendectomies are among the most common emergency operations performed by surgeons. If left untreated, the appendix can rupture and infect surrounding abdominal organs.

Understanding the signs of appendicitis can help avoid a misdiagnosis or a delay in treatment. If you think you may have appendicitis contact your doctor immediately.

Abdominal pain so severe that you can’t sit still or find a comfortable position requires immediate medical attention.

Tuesday, 12 March 2013

So you really do not want to get pregnant?

So you really do not want to get pregnant?

Use a condom.

I know right, almost too obvious.

A while ago there was this broadcast message going round about how everyone assumes they are the only one. Emeka is married but has a girlfriend Cynthia, Cynthia is a good girl so he is hitting it raw. Cynthia knows Emeka is married so she has a boyfriend for when Emeka is unavailable, Iyke who she plans to marry. Iyke is a bad boy so he has a side chick Veronica. He believes Veronica is obsessed with him but She knows she is a side chick so she is weighing her options with other guys. You get the picture.

Apart from the obvious risks of infections pregnancy at the wrong time is a lose-lose situation for all parties.

Guys there is a twist to this story, what if your side chick gets pregnant? I am sure you do not want to re enact Usher's Confessions. How do you prevent this?

Always use a Condom.

I know where this method might fail, when both parties are trying to pretend the sex is totally spontaneous. Yes, sometimes it is but some of you know deep down when you are going to get some. Or for some ladies the plan is to resist him time around. I can picture some many scenarios right now, "Baby, i did not even plan this, i did not even bring a condom but you are so irresistible. Seeing you looking all gorgeous does it for me". I believe you brother.

Does it really feel better without a condom?

I bet it does.

Skin on skin but you are going to get burned.

Most of us can cite the dangers of unprotected sex without even thinking does not mean this same majority would indulge in it. The focus now is to avoid getting pregnant.

Let us talk about condoms. I know you know the brands and you can tell me the prices.

Do you know that there is the male and female condom?

The spotlight right now is on the Male Condom.

The effectiveness of the male condom ( chances of not getting pregnant 86% - 97%). Male Condoms are made out of latex but polyurethane and tactylon( both plastic are available).

Pros and Cons

Easy to get and inexpensive, provides some protection against STIs, reliable method for those who cannot use hormonal birth control methods.

Some irritation or sensitivity to latex. Some men complain. May interrupt foreplay.

You can make condoms more fun.

Try these to get maximum pleasure from condoms.

Size matters: The right fit completely changes how a guy experiences sex with a condom. One that is too tight reduces circulation and takes longer to put on ( he can lose his erection) and the condom is more likely to break. If you can not roll the condom all the way to the base of the penis its not large enough. if its oversize it can slip off or the extra material will make the guy feel inadequate.

Try a condom designed with a swirl or bulb ( it will say so on the pack. It may say "Twist" "Pleasure" or "Spiral"). These moderate more friction near the nerve packed head of his penis.

Try Ribbed Condoms

Try Flavored Condoms

Try Novelty condoms

Use Lubricants- water based lubricants are best. **tip** put 2 drops of lubricant in the condom before applying.

Use Flavored Lubricant.

Most importantly when using a condom, put your partner at ease, choose the right rubber, keep the intensity high (avoid fumbling or long pauses trying to apply a condom).

I came across this on

Mens Health Picks

1. Best All Round : Trojan Ribbed Ecstasy

2. Best for Him: Lifestyles x2 Condoms

3. Best for Her: Trojan Ecstasy for Her

4. Most Natural Feel: Durex Extra Sensitive

5. Greatest Comfort: Lifestyles Skyn

You may get these brands at recognized pharmacy stores.