Good Looking girl.
Nice Shoes.
Nice outfit.
Lovely skin.
Scratching her weave in public without shame.
Tapping that head like its a drum.
We know what you are doing.
I feel your pain.
Treat your scalp!
Most likely you have dandruff.
Dandruff is a common scalp disorder affecting almost half of the population at the post-pubertal age and of any gender and ethnicity. It often causes itching. The severity of dandruff may fluctuate with season.
As the epidermal layer continually replaces itself, cells are pushed outward where they eventually die and flake off. For most individuals, these flakes of skin are too small to be visible. For people with dandruff, skin cells may mature and be shed in 2–7 days, as opposed to around a month in people without dandruff. The result is that dead skin cells are shed in large, oily clumps, which appear as white or grayish patches on the scalp, skin and clothes.
Dandruff has been shown to be the result of three required factors:
Skin oil commonly referred to as sebum or sebaceous secretions
The metabolic by-products of skin micro-organisms (most specifically Malassezia yeasts)
Individual susceptibility
When brushing your hair (your real hair), brush from your scalp down with steady, firm strokes. This will carry oil from your scalp where it can cause dandruff, along the hair strands where it will keep your hair shiny and healthy.
You can treat flaking and dryness with over-the-counter dandruff or medicated shampoos. Shampoo the hair vigorously and frequently (preferably daily). Loosen scales with the fingers, scrub for at least 5 minutes, and rinse thoroughly. Active ingredients in these shampoos include salicylic acid, coal tar, zinc, resorcin, ketoconazole, or selenium.
To apply shampoos, part the hair into small sections, apply to a small area at a time, and massage into the skin. If on face or chest, apply medicated lotion twice per day. Recently, creams classified as topical immune modulators are being used.
Also look out for shampoos and other hair products with these ingredients;
Zinc pyrithione (ZPT) heals the scalp by normalizing the epithelial keratinization or sebum production or both.
The properties of topical corticosteroids depend on the structure of the agent, the vehicle and the skin onto which it is used. Corticosteroids work via their anti-inflammatory and antiproliferative effects i.e inhibits excessive cell growth which causes dandruff.
Selenium sulfide
It is believed that selenium sulfide controls dandruff via its anti Malassezia (organism which causes dandruff).
Coal Tar
Coal tar is a keratoplastic causing the skin to shed dead cells from the top layer and slow skin cell growth.
Imidazole antifungal agents
Imidazole topical antifungals such as ketoconazole ( Nizoral)
Ciclopirox is widely used as an anti-dandruff agent in most preparations.
Neem has anti-fungal properties that can be effective in treating dandruff.
Black Pepper
Black pepper contains the dandruff fighting minerals zinc and selenium. In Indian traditional Ayurveda, powdered black pepper has been used to treat dandruff.
Egg oil
In India,Japanese and Chinese traditional medicine, egg oil was traditionally used as a treatment for dandruff.
Sandalwood and Lemon: Application of an emulsion prepared with the oil of sandalwood and lemon juice has been proven effective to cure dandruff. In traditional Ayurveda, sandalwood has many benefits. Its main component beta-santalol (~90%) has antimicrobial properties.
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