There is nothing as distracting as feeling a strand of hair on your chin ( that's if you are a woman). I find that once i feel that strand of hair i become obsessed with getting rid of it. I have to will my fingers away from my face after that.
I might forget it or pretend to forget it but the most annoying moment is when a guy notices the stray hair.
If you have ever felt uncomfortable about been hairier than the average woman, cheer up! You are not alone.
There are simple ways to get rid of unwanted hairs.
*Use tweezers to reduce facial hair.
Sterilize the ends of the tweezers with rubbing alcohol before and after plucking to avoid infection. Stretch the skin gently around the area that you want to pluck. Grip the hair near the root then firmly pull the hair.
Plucking facial hair is inexpensive, but time consuming. It can also be painful and lead to ingrown hairs if the hair breaks off underneath the skin. You can avoid ingrown hairs by pulling the hair gently as opposed to yanking it out with the tweezers.
Hair regrowth after plucking can occur in 3 to 8 weeks.
*Shave unwanted facial hair with a disposable razor.
( For more than a few strands)
Apply a shaving gel or foam to the chin or upper lip. Glide the razor across the skin in the direction that the hair grows. You can also use an electric razor for wet or dry shaving.Hair regrowth after shaving is fast: from a few hours to a few days.
*Try an at home waxing kit.
Waxing removes hair from the root. Warm wax should be applied to the desired area using the applicator that comes the kit then allowed to cool. Use your fingers to pull the cold wax off of your skin in the opposite direction of the hair growth. Regular waxing can reduce regrowth because this technique interrupts the development of hair follicles.
Regrowth can occur in 2 to 3 weeks.
*Try threading
Visit an expert. Hair regrows in 3 to 4 weeks.
*Use a hair growth inhibitor.
Visit your dermatologist to get a prescription for a hair inhibitor. Hair inhibitors
are plant based products that change the structure of hair follicles so that
the hair grows thin and soft and eventually it does not grow at all.
Apply the cream to the areas of your face where you want to reduce hair growth. The cream will remain on your skin. Follow the instructions that accompany the product.
Hair growth inhibitors can be used with other hair reduction methods such as threading, waxing and tweezing.
Results may take 4 to 6 months.
*Try a Laser Hair Treatment.
Laser hair treatments are very useful for getting rid of that unwanted hair. The
Laser gives off beams of heat and light to the roots of the hair and stops the
hair from growing after a period of time.To get the end result it will take 9 or more months but is much more worth it. It is more expensive at first, but in the end you save money
Shaving can lead to ingrown hairs. It can also result in cuts to the skin. Use a shaving lotion or gel to reduce irritation.
Waxing can be painful and may cause irritation and/or bleeding. Follow the directions provided with the home waxing kit you choose very carefully
See a doctor If:
#The hair grows rapidly
#You also have male features such as acne, deepening voice, increased muscle mass, and decreased breast size.
#You are concerned that medication may be worsening unwanted hair growth
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