Wednesday, 3 April 2013

Don't Be Bald!

Have you seen this?

I have seen pretty scary hairlines but this scared me the most. I mean someone with access to cosmetologists, all the hair professionals one can think of and still have this issue. What is the hope for us mere mortals?

Well, it is never too late to try.

I know i know you have tried funny nameless concoctions and concluded that people in your family do not have "front hair".

Let science work for us.Biotin for hair growth is something you may have heard about. But is it something worth trying or just more hype to sell hair care products?

What is Biotin?

Biotin is a naturally occurring vitamin that is found in a number of common foods. It is essential to human health in general for several reasons. It is a B complex vitamin and is also sometimes called Vitamin H. The right amount of this vitamin helps the body metabolize fatty and amino acids in the body so that they can efficiently be used for energy and there is also some research that suggests it can help stabilize blood sugars as well.

The idea that biotin can also help promote healthy hair is rooted in science. One of the early signs of a biotin deficiency in the body is otherwise unexplained hair loss and hair breakage, as well as dry skin and cracked, brittle nails. Therefore many people feel that if they get extra biotin logically the result will be healthier hair.

Where is Biotin Found?

Biotin occurs naturally in a number of different foods especially

liver and kidney

swiss chard



almost all nuts (almond, walnut)

egg and dairy

and some soy

wheat products

vegetables (red beet, cabbage, spinach) and fruits

beans and the mushrooms.

Technically most people should get all the biotin they need from their daily diet but as is increasingly the case for most vitamins the poor diets many of us follow these days do not supply is with all the vitamins and minerals we need and taking a supplement is an idea worth considering.

Before going into the different kinds of products that are available it is important to remember that biotin is a vitamin, not some wonder substance that has been recently discovered and can miraculously produce healthy shiny hair that grows long and strong! Biotin might help hair growth but you also need to look after your hair , avoiding subjecting it to too many chemical processes or high heat treatments. Subjecting your hair to continual bleaching, blow drying and high heat treatments using a tool like a flat iron which does more to damage and break hair as well as limit its growth than almost anything else.

With that in mind though if you are concerned about thinning hair, hair loss or just want to try to make your hair grow faster here is a little about some of the types of products that are available that contain biotin and are designed to do that:

Hair Vitamins» - These days a great many people take a vitamin supplement of some kind on a daily basis. Vitamin supplements that are marketed as hair vitamins are formulated with the recommended dosage of vitamins that are considered to be especially beneficial to healthy hair, including biotin.

Biotin Enriched Shampoos and Conditioners – They range from the affordable to the rather expensive but the price difference does tend to be more about the brand than the actual ingredients which are fairly similar across the board.

Why not give these a try?

For more options and categories of health and wellness vitamin supplements, Please visit in Nigeria;

GNC Live Well

1 B Opebi Road,


GNC Live Well,

Leisure Mall,

Adeniran Ogunsanya Street,



GNC Live Well,

Ceddi Plaza,



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