Eye symptoms and signs
What are your eyes telling you?
You may have noticed my fixation on eyes. Well my eyes are my most prominent feature and it is hard to imagine a world without them. It is the most delicate part of our body. Pay careful attention and take care of them.
Eye symptoms: Burning eyes
"My eyes burn."
Often, burning eyes are due to some type of irritant - be it a cosmetic or skin care, chlorine from a swimming pool, or environmental irritants like cigarette smoke or smog. Seasonal allergies or allergies to dust or pet dander may also cause eyes to burn or itch, as can infections like conjunctivitis (pink eye). Dry eyes can also cause a burning sensation.
Eye symptoms: Itchy eyes
"My eyes itch."
Itchy eyes could be due to eye allergies (allergic conjunctivitis), which are usually temporary and accompanied by other allergy symptoms, like stuffy nose and sneezing. The things that commonly cause eye allergies are similar to those that cause nasal allergies - pet dander, dust, pollen. Allergic reactions to other irritants, like perfume or cosmetics, can cause similar symptoms.
Itchiness may also be a result of inflammation of the eyelids (blepharitis) or of the lining of the inner eyelid (conjunctivitis or pinkeye).
Eye symptoms: Red eyes
"My eyes are red."
Like itching and burning, red or bloodshot eyes can be triggered by infections. Conjunctivitis is the inflammation of the lining of the eyelids and eye surface that can be caused by infection or allergies.
Injuries can also make your eyes red. Dust and sand can get into the eyes and cause small abrasions that lead to redness.
Eye symptoms: Dry eyes
"My eyes are dry."
Your eyes become naturally drier as you get older, but dry air and sun exposure can sap the lubrication from your eyes at any age. Dry eyes may get worse if you smoke or if you are around second-hand smoke. Cold and allergy medications also commonly cause dry eyes. Prolonged dryness can lead to abrasions on the surface of the eyes.
Eye symptoms: Watery eyes
"My eyes are watery."
Watering up is a way the eyes defend themselves against infection and irritation. The viruses and bacteria that lead to conjunctivitis or blepharitis, for example, commonly trigger eye watering. So do allergic reactions to dust, mould, or animal dander. And if something gets into the eye - like sand, wind, or smog - the eyes water to force the foreign item out.
Eyes may tear up during strain of overuse or when laughing, yawning, or vomiting.
Ironically, one of the most common causes of watery eyes is dry eyes. Dry eyes trigger the body to produce excess tears to lubricate the eyes.
Eye symptoms: Eye pain
"My eye hurts."
Eye pain can be caused by a number of factors and can feel like a dull aching or throbbing, or it can feel sharp and stabbing. Sharp pain may indicate a problem with the cornea (such as an infection or ulcer), while severe, deep, aching pain could be a sign of glaucoma. Pain frequently accompanies conjunctivitis (pinkeye), and a stye can be uncomfortable to the point of pain as well. If you have been overusing your eyes, you may experience eyestrain. And the pain from migraines or sinus problems sometimes affects the area around the eye.
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