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Monday, 15 April 2013
Friday, 12 April 2013
Beware of Dog
I had a childhood fear of strange dogs. We had dogs in my compound but that did not help my fear especially when one of the dogs we had went "wild".
At the slightest provocation Skipper would bark and wail for hours. He even attacked the person feeding him. It was then my fear multiplied. I would imagine several scenarios in my head, none pretty.
We had to get rid of Skipper. My fears also never became a reality, though i wonder from time to time.
What do you do when cornered by a dog?
Understand dog body language - most dogs will show specific warning signs before biting.
If you are cornered by a dog, remain still and avoid eye contact. Never run and/or scream. When the dog stops paying attention to you, slowly back away.
If knocked over by a dog, fall to your side in a fetal position, covering your head and neck. Remain very still and calm.
Never approach a dog that is eating, sleeping or caring for puppies. Dog in these situations are more likely to be protective and can become startled.
With some dogs simply facing the dog with a loud, deep-throated confident “NO!!!!” will often be enough to stop the dog in its tracks. Most will turn and leave. The fact is these are not strong dogs that want to fight a human, they are weak dogs who show aggression, because they have learned that aggression makes people leave them alone. Dogs from this category that don't turn and leave will stand off and bark. Dogs like this are the ones who have the hair up on their back as they approach, they may (or may not) show a lot of teeth. Their body posture is not forward, they will stand with their feet apart.
No matter how scared you are, you can't out run a dog, and running will only trigger prey drive and increase the possibility of an attack and being bitten.
Another group of dogs, (those that know how to fight humans), are a different situation. Mostly guard dogs or trained attack dogs. The only way to deal with an attack from these dogs is to climb a tree or fight them.
I would not suggest fighting with any dog but a tip that may help is to cut off air supply ( by choking).
If anyone that is reading this article lives near aggressive dogs, always carry pepper gas and a walking stick. In fact, if you have to walk by a house or apartment with aggressive dogs, get it out and have it in your hand. If an attack comes you will not have time to fish around in your purse or pocket.
Be Safe.
At the slightest provocation Skipper would bark and wail for hours. He even attacked the person feeding him. It was then my fear multiplied. I would imagine several scenarios in my head, none pretty.
We had to get rid of Skipper. My fears also never became a reality, though i wonder from time to time.
What do you do when cornered by a dog?
Understand dog body language - most dogs will show specific warning signs before biting.
If you are cornered by a dog, remain still and avoid eye contact. Never run and/or scream. When the dog stops paying attention to you, slowly back away.
If knocked over by a dog, fall to your side in a fetal position, covering your head and neck. Remain very still and calm.
Never approach a dog that is eating, sleeping or caring for puppies. Dog in these situations are more likely to be protective and can become startled.
With some dogs simply facing the dog with a loud, deep-throated confident “NO!!!!” will often be enough to stop the dog in its tracks. Most will turn and leave. The fact is these are not strong dogs that want to fight a human, they are weak dogs who show aggression, because they have learned that aggression makes people leave them alone. Dogs from this category that don't turn and leave will stand off and bark. Dogs like this are the ones who have the hair up on their back as they approach, they may (or may not) show a lot of teeth. Their body posture is not forward, they will stand with their feet apart.
No matter how scared you are, you can't out run a dog, and running will only trigger prey drive and increase the possibility of an attack and being bitten.
Another group of dogs, (those that know how to fight humans), are a different situation. Mostly guard dogs or trained attack dogs. The only way to deal with an attack from these dogs is to climb a tree or fight them.
I would not suggest fighting with any dog but a tip that may help is to cut off air supply ( by choking).
If anyone that is reading this article lives near aggressive dogs, always carry pepper gas and a walking stick. In fact, if you have to walk by a house or apartment with aggressive dogs, get it out and have it in your hand. If an attack comes you will not have time to fish around in your purse or pocket.
Be Safe.
Thursday, 11 April 2013
Worst Case Scenario
I had passed the final stage of the recruitment exercise for a firm in the country. I had gone for the aptitude test and the oral interview.
I received a call from Human Resources telling me that i had to undergo a medical screening before resuming at my station. I knew i would be required to do a HIV test. I had done the tests thrice in my life at that time, i was anxious. I started thinking, searching my memory for instances and scenarios where i might have exposed myself to the virus since my last test. Had i been promiscuous in the last few months?
I brushed those thoughts aside and went for the test. I enquired from those already working at the firm what the procedure was. They said i would be asked to resume a week after the test.
A week passed,no word from the firm.
Two weeks passed no word.
The terror that overcame me i cannot describe.
I decided to take the bull by the horns, i called the firm....
The HR Manager apologized for not following due protocol. She decided not to contact me till the following week which was two weeks before i indicated i would be available to start work.
Relief washed over me.
I requested for the test results for assurance. I was in the clear.
In my moment of terror, i had made inquiries as to what to do in the unfortunate event i was HIV Positive. This may be of help;
A positive test result can be very scary; the emotions one feels ranges from shock and anger to hopelessness and denial. These feelings can be felt all at once, or at different times.
Being HIV positive changes your life completely, however there is no need to panic. Do try to take control of the situation. First, decide on positive things to do for the rest of the day, stay busy and life goes on.
A positive result is an important medical message that may help save or extend one's life span. Your counselor, nurse, doctor or care giver may have told you the implications of the result and the next steps for you. Given the right attitude and adequate information, most people live long, productive lives. Getting information and taking charge of your health will help you make the best of your situation.
Reading about HIV and AIDS is a good first step, so you are already on the right path. Go to a nearby organization where counseling services are available to get more detailed information. You can get in touch with the State Ministry of Health, or contact your State Action Committee on AIDS (SACA) who will give you a list of NGOs and People living with HIV support groups closest to you. The National Action Committee on AIDS (NACA) has provided some toll free lines you can call for enquires or more information 234-0802-719 2783 (NACA).
Do not keep your HIV status to yourself, it is a heavy burden to carry alone. Talking about your status with another person will help you deal with the test result. Join a support group. Other people living with HIV will understand you best because they have gone through the same stage you're at. Listening to them talk about their experiences will answer many of your questions. You will gain confidence and have fewer doubts.
A positive test result is life changing; you must begin to make a conscious effort to adopt a positive attitude to life. Eat healthy, eat as much as you want, you can eat all the foods you have eaten before, only now you have to eat regularly and your diet has to be balanced. Include fruits and vegetables in your diet, drink lots of clean water and try as much as possible to avoid alcohol and smoking because excess alcohol damages your liver and smoking destroys the lungs. If stopping all together is difficult, gradually reduce your intake till you can stop. You should stop taking recreational drugs like hemp and heroin.
Go out, relax with friends and family and take regular exercise. It is also important that you protect others from getting infected; protect your sexual partner by using a condom correctly and consistently. It is important that you disclose your HIV status to your spouse or sex partner so they can get tested and also begin to take care of themselves. If you cannot tell them directly, ask your doctor or counselor to help you. Some people have written anonymous letters to their past sexual partners asking them to get tested and directing them to places they can get help, this is better than not saying anything.
Not telling them and waiting till their immune system is destroyed and they start getting ill or even die is not a good thing to do.
When ill, most of us wait till the situation becomes unbearable before seeking medical attention. In HIV infection, the immune system starts to break down immediately, and not just when opportunistic infections show up. So you have to keep an eye on the health of your immune system.
Noticing the symptoms when they occur, getting prompt treatment and having laboratory tests done, can help you monitor and manage the health of your immune system.
Using Highly Active Antiretroviral Therapy (HAART) can greatly reduce the level of HIV and slow the rate of the disease progression.
There are several approaches that you can take against HIV All are useful but using any of them alone is not enough to keep you healthy. The best overall approach for you may be one that combines the best of the approach listed below.
Positive living
Good nutrition
Use of supplements and vitamins
Use of prophylaxis
Treatment and management of Opportunistic Infections
Use of Anti Retroviral Therapy
excerpts culled from www.nigeriahivinfo.com
I received a call from Human Resources telling me that i had to undergo a medical screening before resuming at my station. I knew i would be required to do a HIV test. I had done the tests thrice in my life at that time, i was anxious. I started thinking, searching my memory for instances and scenarios where i might have exposed myself to the virus since my last test. Had i been promiscuous in the last few months?
I brushed those thoughts aside and went for the test. I enquired from those already working at the firm what the procedure was. They said i would be asked to resume a week after the test.
A week passed,no word from the firm.
Two weeks passed no word.
The terror that overcame me i cannot describe.
I decided to take the bull by the horns, i called the firm....
The HR Manager apologized for not following due protocol. She decided not to contact me till the following week which was two weeks before i indicated i would be available to start work.
Relief washed over me.
I requested for the test results for assurance. I was in the clear.
In my moment of terror, i had made inquiries as to what to do in the unfortunate event i was HIV Positive. This may be of help;
A positive test result can be very scary; the emotions one feels ranges from shock and anger to hopelessness and denial. These feelings can be felt all at once, or at different times.
Being HIV positive changes your life completely, however there is no need to panic. Do try to take control of the situation. First, decide on positive things to do for the rest of the day, stay busy and life goes on.
A positive result is an important medical message that may help save or extend one's life span. Your counselor, nurse, doctor or care giver may have told you the implications of the result and the next steps for you. Given the right attitude and adequate information, most people live long, productive lives. Getting information and taking charge of your health will help you make the best of your situation.
Reading about HIV and AIDS is a good first step, so you are already on the right path. Go to a nearby organization where counseling services are available to get more detailed information. You can get in touch with the State Ministry of Health, or contact your State Action Committee on AIDS (SACA) who will give you a list of NGOs and People living with HIV support groups closest to you. The National Action Committee on AIDS (NACA) has provided some toll free lines you can call for enquires or more information 234-0802-719 2783 (NACA).
Do not keep your HIV status to yourself, it is a heavy burden to carry alone. Talking about your status with another person will help you deal with the test result. Join a support group. Other people living with HIV will understand you best because they have gone through the same stage you're at. Listening to them talk about their experiences will answer many of your questions. You will gain confidence and have fewer doubts.
A positive test result is life changing; you must begin to make a conscious effort to adopt a positive attitude to life. Eat healthy, eat as much as you want, you can eat all the foods you have eaten before, only now you have to eat regularly and your diet has to be balanced. Include fruits and vegetables in your diet, drink lots of clean water and try as much as possible to avoid alcohol and smoking because excess alcohol damages your liver and smoking destroys the lungs. If stopping all together is difficult, gradually reduce your intake till you can stop. You should stop taking recreational drugs like hemp and heroin.
Go out, relax with friends and family and take regular exercise. It is also important that you protect others from getting infected; protect your sexual partner by using a condom correctly and consistently. It is important that you disclose your HIV status to your spouse or sex partner so they can get tested and also begin to take care of themselves. If you cannot tell them directly, ask your doctor or counselor to help you. Some people have written anonymous letters to their past sexual partners asking them to get tested and directing them to places they can get help, this is better than not saying anything.
Not telling them and waiting till their immune system is destroyed and they start getting ill or even die is not a good thing to do.
When ill, most of us wait till the situation becomes unbearable before seeking medical attention. In HIV infection, the immune system starts to break down immediately, and not just when opportunistic infections show up. So you have to keep an eye on the health of your immune system.
Noticing the symptoms when they occur, getting prompt treatment and having laboratory tests done, can help you monitor and manage the health of your immune system.
Using Highly Active Antiretroviral Therapy (HAART) can greatly reduce the level of HIV and slow the rate of the disease progression.
There are several approaches that you can take against HIV All are useful but using any of them alone is not enough to keep you healthy. The best overall approach for you may be one that combines the best of the approach listed below.
Positive living
Good nutrition
Use of supplements and vitamins
Use of prophylaxis
Treatment and management of Opportunistic Infections
Use of Anti Retroviral Therapy
excerpts culled from www.nigeriahivinfo.com
Wednesday, 10 April 2013
Do Some Sexual Positions Make it Easier to Get Pregnant?
Do Some Sexual Positions Make Conceiving Easier?
While not a lot of people will agree that the sexual positions have anything to do with getting pregnant, the logic is that there are certain positions that can help the sperm meet the egg in a shorter time.
This is especially true for couples who have difficulty conceiving. Having said this, the first "best position to get pregnant" tip is to avoid positions that least expose the cervix to the male sperm, and that generally defy gravity such as sex while standing up, sitting down, or with the woman on top. When trying to conceive, it is best to limit the amount of sperm that flows back out of the vagina.
The woman's hips should also be positioned in such a way that the sperm released is kept inside, giving it enough time to swim up to the female cervix.
Consider the following positions instead:
1. The missionary position. Or man-on-top is said to be the position that's best for getting pregnant. This is because this particular position allows for the deepest possible penetration, making it possible for the sperm to get deposited closest to the cervix.
2. Raise the hips. Elevating the hips, which can be done by placing a pillow behind her, can also be helpful because this exposes the female cervix to as much semen as the male can release.
3. Doggy-style. The rear-entry position where the man enters the woman from behind is also a recommended position. In this position, sperm is also deposited closest to the cervix, thereby helping increase the chances of conception.
4. Side-by-side. You can also try having intercourse while lying side by side. This position likewise causes the most exposure of the cervix to the male sperm.
5. Orgasms. Finally, while this has nothing to do with sexual positions, there are also researches that suggest the importance of the female orgasm in conceiving. According to studies, female orgasm leads to contractions that could push sperm up into the cervix. The lesson: have fun while trying to conceive.
There a small variations you can add to the positions listed above
1. Relax; Try Oral Sex.
Each partner can take turns lying back while the other partner performs oral sex. Lie back and enjoy the stimulation. Also a heady rush or thrill is felt by most people if the partner performs oral sex on their knees.
2. Missionary
Do not just lie back,
Tighten buttocks
Put your legs together to increase surface stimulation
Use hands and mouth to explore
Wrap legs around partners' waist to deepen penetration
Lie back a few minutes after
3. Doggy Style
Be creative.
Explore each other with hands and mouth
Introduce toys ,If you are into that.
Reach Down and Stroke testicles
4. Always have fun.
Watch this space for more tips and tricks.
Image from www.indianexpress.com
While not a lot of people will agree that the sexual positions have anything to do with getting pregnant, the logic is that there are certain positions that can help the sperm meet the egg in a shorter time.
This is especially true for couples who have difficulty conceiving. Having said this, the first "best position to get pregnant" tip is to avoid positions that least expose the cervix to the male sperm, and that generally defy gravity such as sex while standing up, sitting down, or with the woman on top. When trying to conceive, it is best to limit the amount of sperm that flows back out of the vagina.
The woman's hips should also be positioned in such a way that the sperm released is kept inside, giving it enough time to swim up to the female cervix.
Consider the following positions instead:
1. The missionary position. Or man-on-top is said to be the position that's best for getting pregnant. This is because this particular position allows for the deepest possible penetration, making it possible for the sperm to get deposited closest to the cervix.
2. Raise the hips. Elevating the hips, which can be done by placing a pillow behind her, can also be helpful because this exposes the female cervix to as much semen as the male can release.
3. Doggy-style. The rear-entry position where the man enters the woman from behind is also a recommended position. In this position, sperm is also deposited closest to the cervix, thereby helping increase the chances of conception.
4. Side-by-side. You can also try having intercourse while lying side by side. This position likewise causes the most exposure of the cervix to the male sperm.
5. Orgasms. Finally, while this has nothing to do with sexual positions, there are also researches that suggest the importance of the female orgasm in conceiving. According to studies, female orgasm leads to contractions that could push sperm up into the cervix. The lesson: have fun while trying to conceive.
There a small variations you can add to the positions listed above
1. Relax; Try Oral Sex.
Each partner can take turns lying back while the other partner performs oral sex. Lie back and enjoy the stimulation. Also a heady rush or thrill is felt by most people if the partner performs oral sex on their knees.
2. Missionary
Do not just lie back,
Tighten buttocks
Put your legs together to increase surface stimulation
Use hands and mouth to explore
Wrap legs around partners' waist to deepen penetration
Lie back a few minutes after
3. Doggy Style
Be creative.
Explore each other with hands and mouth
Introduce toys ,If you are into that.
Reach Down and Stroke testicles
4. Always have fun.
Watch this space for more tips and tricks.
Image from www.indianexpress.com
Tuesday, 9 April 2013
What are your eyes saying?
Eye symptoms and signs
What are your eyes telling you?
You may have noticed my fixation on eyes. Well my eyes are my most prominent feature and it is hard to imagine a world without them. It is the most delicate part of our body. Pay careful attention and take care of them.
Eye symptoms: Burning eyes
"My eyes burn."
Often, burning eyes are due to some type of irritant - be it a cosmetic or skin care, chlorine from a swimming pool, or environmental irritants like cigarette smoke or smog. Seasonal allergies or allergies to dust or pet dander may also cause eyes to burn or itch, as can infections like conjunctivitis (pink eye). Dry eyes can also cause a burning sensation.
Eye symptoms: Itchy eyes
"My eyes itch."
Itchy eyes could be due to eye allergies (allergic conjunctivitis), which are usually temporary and accompanied by other allergy symptoms, like stuffy nose and sneezing. The things that commonly cause eye allergies are similar to those that cause nasal allergies - pet dander, dust, pollen. Allergic reactions to other irritants, like perfume or cosmetics, can cause similar symptoms.
Itchiness may also be a result of inflammation of the eyelids (blepharitis) or of the lining of the inner eyelid (conjunctivitis or pinkeye).
Eye symptoms: Red eyes
"My eyes are red."
Like itching and burning, red or bloodshot eyes can be triggered by infections. Conjunctivitis is the inflammation of the lining of the eyelids and eye surface that can be caused by infection or allergies.
Injuries can also make your eyes red. Dust and sand can get into the eyes and cause small abrasions that lead to redness.
Eye symptoms: Dry eyes
"My eyes are dry."
Your eyes become naturally drier as you get older, but dry air and sun exposure can sap the lubrication from your eyes at any age. Dry eyes may get worse if you smoke or if you are around second-hand smoke. Cold and allergy medications also commonly cause dry eyes. Prolonged dryness can lead to abrasions on the surface of the eyes.
Eye symptoms: Watery eyes
"My eyes are watery."
Watering up is a way the eyes defend themselves against infection and irritation. The viruses and bacteria that lead to conjunctivitis or blepharitis, for example, commonly trigger eye watering. So do allergic reactions to dust, mould, or animal dander. And if something gets into the eye - like sand, wind, or smog - the eyes water to force the foreign item out.
Eyes may tear up during strain of overuse or when laughing, yawning, or vomiting.
Ironically, one of the most common causes of watery eyes is dry eyes. Dry eyes trigger the body to produce excess tears to lubricate the eyes.
Eye symptoms: Eye pain
"My eye hurts."
Eye pain can be caused by a number of factors and can feel like a dull aching or throbbing, or it can feel sharp and stabbing. Sharp pain may indicate a problem with the cornea (such as an infection or ulcer), while severe, deep, aching pain could be a sign of glaucoma. Pain frequently accompanies conjunctivitis (pinkeye), and a stye can be uncomfortable to the point of pain as well. If you have been overusing your eyes, you may experience eyestrain. And the pain from migraines or sinus problems sometimes affects the area around the eye.
What are your eyes telling you?
You may have noticed my fixation on eyes. Well my eyes are my most prominent feature and it is hard to imagine a world without them. It is the most delicate part of our body. Pay careful attention and take care of them.
Eye symptoms: Burning eyes
"My eyes burn."
Often, burning eyes are due to some type of irritant - be it a cosmetic or skin care, chlorine from a swimming pool, or environmental irritants like cigarette smoke or smog. Seasonal allergies or allergies to dust or pet dander may also cause eyes to burn or itch, as can infections like conjunctivitis (pink eye). Dry eyes can also cause a burning sensation.
Eye symptoms: Itchy eyes
"My eyes itch."
Itchy eyes could be due to eye allergies (allergic conjunctivitis), which are usually temporary and accompanied by other allergy symptoms, like stuffy nose and sneezing. The things that commonly cause eye allergies are similar to those that cause nasal allergies - pet dander, dust, pollen. Allergic reactions to other irritants, like perfume or cosmetics, can cause similar symptoms.
Itchiness may also be a result of inflammation of the eyelids (blepharitis) or of the lining of the inner eyelid (conjunctivitis or pinkeye).
Eye symptoms: Red eyes
"My eyes are red."
Like itching and burning, red or bloodshot eyes can be triggered by infections. Conjunctivitis is the inflammation of the lining of the eyelids and eye surface that can be caused by infection or allergies.
Injuries can also make your eyes red. Dust and sand can get into the eyes and cause small abrasions that lead to redness.
Eye symptoms: Dry eyes
"My eyes are dry."
Your eyes become naturally drier as you get older, but dry air and sun exposure can sap the lubrication from your eyes at any age. Dry eyes may get worse if you smoke or if you are around second-hand smoke. Cold and allergy medications also commonly cause dry eyes. Prolonged dryness can lead to abrasions on the surface of the eyes.
Eye symptoms: Watery eyes
"My eyes are watery."
Watering up is a way the eyes defend themselves against infection and irritation. The viruses and bacteria that lead to conjunctivitis or blepharitis, for example, commonly trigger eye watering. So do allergic reactions to dust, mould, or animal dander. And if something gets into the eye - like sand, wind, or smog - the eyes water to force the foreign item out.
Eyes may tear up during strain of overuse or when laughing, yawning, or vomiting.
Ironically, one of the most common causes of watery eyes is dry eyes. Dry eyes trigger the body to produce excess tears to lubricate the eyes.
Eye symptoms: Eye pain
"My eye hurts."
Eye pain can be caused by a number of factors and can feel like a dull aching or throbbing, or it can feel sharp and stabbing. Sharp pain may indicate a problem with the cornea (such as an infection or ulcer), while severe, deep, aching pain could be a sign of glaucoma. Pain frequently accompanies conjunctivitis (pinkeye), and a stye can be uncomfortable to the point of pain as well. If you have been overusing your eyes, you may experience eyestrain. And the pain from migraines or sinus problems sometimes affects the area around the eye.
Monday, 8 April 2013
Motivation Mondays
Too Many Days At A Time
There are two days in every week about which we should not worry. Two days which should be kept free from fear and apprehension.
One of these days is yesterday, with its mistakes and cares, its faults and blunders, its aches and pains. Yesterday has passed forever beyond our control. All the money in the world cannot bring back yesterday. We cannot undo a single act we performed. We cannot erase a single word we said. Yesterday is gone!!
The other day we should not worry about is tomorrow, with its possible adversities, its burdens, its large promise and poor performance. Tomorrow is beyond our immediate control. Tomorrow's sun will rise, whether in splendor or behind a mask of clouds. But it will rise. Until it does we have no stake in tomorrow, for it is yet unborn.
This leaves only one day: today.
Any man can fight the battles of just one day. It is when you and I add the burdens of two awful eternities - yesterday and tomorrow, that we break down.
It is not necessarily the experience of today that disturbs one's peace of mind. It is oftentime the bitterness for something which happened yesterday and the dread of what tomorrow may bring.
Let us therefore live one day at a time.
Have a great week.
There are two days in every week about which we should not worry. Two days which should be kept free from fear and apprehension.
One of these days is yesterday, with its mistakes and cares, its faults and blunders, its aches and pains. Yesterday has passed forever beyond our control. All the money in the world cannot bring back yesterday. We cannot undo a single act we performed. We cannot erase a single word we said. Yesterday is gone!!
The other day we should not worry about is tomorrow, with its possible adversities, its burdens, its large promise and poor performance. Tomorrow is beyond our immediate control. Tomorrow's sun will rise, whether in splendor or behind a mask of clouds. But it will rise. Until it does we have no stake in tomorrow, for it is yet unborn.
This leaves only one day: today.
Any man can fight the battles of just one day. It is when you and I add the burdens of two awful eternities - yesterday and tomorrow, that we break down.
It is not necessarily the experience of today that disturbs one's peace of mind. It is oftentime the bitterness for something which happened yesterday and the dread of what tomorrow may bring.
Let us therefore live one day at a time.
Have a great week.
Sunday, 7 April 2013
The Big O
Female Orgasms: Myths and Facts
Definition: Anorgasmia is an inability to reach orgasm and is thought to occur in about 10% of women. Anorgasmia may be either primary (the woman has never been able to reach an orgasm by any means) or secondary (an orgasm was experienced at some point in the past). It may also be global (orgasm is not experienced by any means) or situational (orgasm may be experienced in certain sexual situations but not others; for example, with manual stimulation but not with intercourse).
There are several myths regarding orgasm. These myths can sometimes cause problems for women and their partners.
An orgasm is always an earth-moving experience and there is something wrong with a woman if she is unable to reach orgasm.
Some women have orgasms and don’t know it. Some women do not experience orgasm in the sense of feeling their pelvic floor muscles contract. They do however reach a peak of arousal after which they feel very relaxed and contented, the same feelings other women experience after orgasm. By contrast, women who get very aroused and do not experience orgasm will sometimes feel "nervous" or "edgy" or even an aching discomfort in their pelvis.
"Normal" women reach orgasm through intercourse.
Only about a third of women experience orgasm regularly during intercourse. A third can reach orgasm with intercourse but need extra stimulation. A third never achieve orgasm during intercourse but can by manual and oral stimulation. Having orgasms by means other than intercourse is a normal variation, it could just be your thing. Different routes to the same destination.
Inability to reach orgasm, or anorgasmia means a woman is "frigid" or that there is something seriously wrong with her or her relationship.
Women who were able to have orgasms in the past but can no longer do so may be suffering from a medical problem or a side effect from medication.
Women who have never had an orgasm may never have learned what does it for them. What kind of stimulation or how long they have to be stimulated for.
If a woman cannot reach orgasm, then her partner is not a skillful lover.
While there are many ways a skillful partner can help a woman reach orgasm, in the end, a woman is responsible for her own sexual pleasure. Don't be shocked, that does not mean her partner should not be involved. It is up to the woman to tell her partner what she likes and dislikes. What she wants to try etc.
A woman has to have an orgasm in order to enjoy sex. This myth seems to be more common among men than among women.
Many women enjoy the closeness and physical intimacy of sex and are satisfied even if they do not, or do not always, have an orgasm.
What can you do?
It is possible to try too hard. Focus on enjoying the process, not on whether or not you will have an orgasm.
Communicate with your partner your preferences when it comes to sex. Your partner cannot read your mind.
If you or your partner are doing something you like encourage with words, sounds, body language.
Learn to enjoy and feel comfortable with your sexuality.
Some women have trouble concentrating during sex. If that is the case, you may wish to fantasize, i.e., thinking about something sexual may excite you and may reduce negative emotions. alternate tightening and relaxing your pelvic floor muscles. This may sometimes trigger a real orgasm.
For some couples, love making ends once the man ejaculates. Often, at this point the woman is very aroused. If this is the case, you might ask your partner to continue stimulating you with his hands or his mouth once he is finished. Give your partner the chance to please you!
Saturday, 6 April 2013
Beauty Routines That Save You Money
Staying on top of your beauty routine can get seriously pricey. We all want to look our best, but sometimes our wallets come out of it worse for the wear. Luckily there are some tricks of the trade you can practice to save some money, while still getting all of your pampering in.
If you are like me, attempting to paint your own nails can end disastrously. No matter how many “expert tips” you’ve noted throughout the years, it is near impossible to get a DIY paintjob to manicure perfection. But then again, who has the money (or the time for that matter) to get a fresh mani/pedi combo every week?
Try asking your manicurist for a simple color change instead of a full-blown manicure. Although it may seem like a small difference in price, alternating weeks between color changes and full service manicures will save you lots of money in the long run. Most nail salons include everything but the hand massage in color change anyway. If you are really strapped for cash, maintaining your perfectly painted nails is the key to getting the most out of your investment. Avoid water, which erodes a paint job quicker, and apply a clear topcoat every few days to strengthen your nails. Other than that, avoid opening packages and peeling off stickers and you should be good to go!

On the list of essential beauty regimes, sometimes your eyebrows get the short end of the stick, but it is important to regularly maintain your brows before they get out of control. This; however, does not require regular waxing. An occasional waxing will more than suffice when it comes to keeping your brows’ desired shape, all the extra maintenance will be regulated on your end. Give your eyebrows a good once over every morning for any stray hairs and your wax job should last you twice as long.
Dye Jobs
I know you’ve heard it a million times, but seriously, you don’t need to wash your hair every week.
News flash ladies, you do not need to spay behind you ears, in between your elbows and on your chest to achieve your desired scent. You may have become accustomed to your signature aroma, but trust us, we notice you when you come walking by smelling like a perfume counter. Two squirts are more than enough to get you smelling like a rose. Also, refrain from rubbing your wrists together. What your mother didn’t know is that rubbing the perfume into your skin actually compromises the formula. Apply your perfume onto your bare skin (before you get dressed) and if you are feeling particularly frivolous splash a little in your hair brush to run through your locks the Coco Chanel way. Perfume is one of the most expensive beauty products you can buy and each precious little drop should be cherished, so don’t get trigger-happy.
Friday, 5 April 2013
7 Cocktails You Can Make At Home
Mint daiquiri
2 tsp runny honey
2 shots rum
3 torn mint leaves
½ shot freshly squeezed lime
½ shot chilled mineral water
Shake all ingredients with ice and fine strain into chilled glasses. Garnish with mint leaf

French mule
2 shots cognac
1 shot freshly squeezed lime
1 shot sugar syrup
3 dashes Angostura bitters
top up with ginger beer
Shake first four ingredients with ice and strain into ice-filled glasses. Top with ginger beer and serve with mint sprig.

Colonel Collins
2 shots bourbon whiskey
1 shot freshly squeezed lemon
½ shot sugar syrup
soda water
Shake first 3 ingredients with ice and strain into ice-filled glass. Top with soda. Serve with straws. Garnish with orange slice and cherry on a stick

Maple leaf
2 shots bourbon whiskey
½ shot freshly squeezed lemon
¼ shot maple syrup
Shake all ingredients with ice and strain into ice-filled glass. Garnish with lemon zest twist.

Detroit martini
7 fresh mint leaves
3 shots vodka
½ shot sugar syrup
1/8 shot freshly squeezed lime
Shake all ingredients, including mint, with ice and fine strain into chilled glass. Garnish with a mint sprig

1 shot vodka
½ shot crème de cassis or Chambord
½ shot fresh orange
½ shot pressed apple juice
brut champagne
Shake first 4 ingredients with ice and strain into glass. Top with champagne.

Diable rouge
2 shots vodka
2 shots pineapple juice
¼ shot crème de cassis or Chambord
Shake all the ingredients with ice and fine strain into chilled glass. Garnish with berries.
2 tsp runny honey
2 shots rum
3 torn mint leaves
½ shot freshly squeezed lime
½ shot chilled mineral water
Shake all ingredients with ice and fine strain into chilled glasses. Garnish with mint leaf

French mule
2 shots cognac
1 shot freshly squeezed lime
1 shot sugar syrup
3 dashes Angostura bitters
top up with ginger beer
Shake first four ingredients with ice and strain into ice-filled glasses. Top with ginger beer and serve with mint sprig.

Colonel Collins
2 shots bourbon whiskey
1 shot freshly squeezed lemon
½ shot sugar syrup
soda water
Shake first 3 ingredients with ice and strain into ice-filled glass. Top with soda. Serve with straws. Garnish with orange slice and cherry on a stick

Maple leaf
2 shots bourbon whiskey
½ shot freshly squeezed lemon
¼ shot maple syrup
Shake all ingredients with ice and strain into ice-filled glass. Garnish with lemon zest twist.

Detroit martini
7 fresh mint leaves
3 shots vodka
½ shot sugar syrup
1/8 shot freshly squeezed lime
Shake all ingredients, including mint, with ice and fine strain into chilled glass. Garnish with a mint sprig

1 shot vodka
½ shot crème de cassis or Chambord
½ shot fresh orange
½ shot pressed apple juice
brut champagne
Shake first 4 ingredients with ice and strain into glass. Top with champagne.

Diable rouge
2 shots vodka
2 shots pineapple juice
¼ shot crème de cassis or Chambord
Shake all the ingredients with ice and fine strain into chilled glass. Garnish with berries.
Chef In The House
Why not impress your boo or dinner guests with this quick and delicious meal.
Cooking Time: About 30 Minutes.
Shrimp Alfredo Served with Pasta

Shrimps, washed and deveined. You can leave the tails on or off.
diced onions
1 red bell pepper (diced)
1/2lb fresh diced mushrooms
2-4 T butter
6 Table spoons of olive oil
2 cloves diced garlic
2 Table spoons of ground red pepper (or to taste)
salt and pepper to taste
fresh dried parsley
fresh grated parmesan
Alfredo Sauce
2 cups Whipping Cream
1/2 cup Parmesan Cheese, freshly grated
1/2 cup Romano Cheese
4 Tbsp Butter
To Prepare Alfredo Sauce,
Heat butter using low heat
Add cream and both cheeses; Do not boil. Just stir until creamy.
For thinner sauce-add more cream. Thicker sauce add more cheese.
Salt and pepper to taste.
In heavy sauce pan heat butter and 2 tablespoons olive oil.
Add diced onions, peppers, and garlic. Add salt, pepper and red pepper to taste.
Saute on medium heat until they just start to get tender.
Add shrimp and cook until pink.
Once the alfredo sauce is done, add it to the shrimp mixture.
let simmer for about 2-5 minutes so the flavors can marry.
Cook Pasta as directed.
Serve shrimp sauce over pasta.
Add the freshly chopped parsley and parmesan when you serve.
Bonne Apetit

**Ingredients may be obtained at Goodies Supermarket or any good Food stores
Why not impress your boo or dinner guests with this quick and delicious meal.
Cooking Time: About 30 Minutes.
Shrimp Alfredo Served with Pasta

Shrimps, washed and deveined. You can leave the tails on or off.
diced onions
1 red bell pepper (diced)
1/2lb fresh diced mushrooms
2-4 T butter
6 Table spoons of olive oil
2 cloves diced garlic
2 Table spoons of ground red pepper (or to taste)
salt and pepper to taste
fresh dried parsley
fresh grated parmesan
Alfredo Sauce
2 cups Whipping Cream
1/2 cup Parmesan Cheese, freshly grated
1/2 cup Romano Cheese
4 Tbsp Butter
To Prepare Alfredo Sauce,
Heat butter using low heat
Add cream and both cheeses; Do not boil. Just stir until creamy.
For thinner sauce-add more cream. Thicker sauce add more cheese.
Salt and pepper to taste.
In heavy sauce pan heat butter and 2 tablespoons olive oil.
Add diced onions, peppers, and garlic. Add salt, pepper and red pepper to taste.
Saute on medium heat until they just start to get tender.
Add shrimp and cook until pink.
Once the alfredo sauce is done, add it to the shrimp mixture.
let simmer for about 2-5 minutes so the flavors can marry.
Cook Pasta as directed.
Serve shrimp sauce over pasta.
Add the freshly chopped parsley and parmesan when you serve.
Bonne Apetit

**Ingredients may be obtained at Goodies Supermarket or any good Food stores
Cooking with Less Cholesterol
Many people think it is impossible to cook our traditional delicacies especially the soups without palm oil. Palm oil has been reported to elevate cholesterol levels in the body. Can we do without palm oil in our soups and stews? Let us find out.
Palm oil is a common cooking ingredient in the tropical belt of Africa, Southeast Asia and parts of Brazil. Its use in the commercial food industry in other parts of the world is buoyed by its lower cos and by the high oxidative stability (saturation) of the refined product when used for frying. Palm oil has been found to be a reasonable replacement for trans fats, however a small study conducted in 2009 found that palm oil may not be a good substitute for trans fats for individuals with already elevated LDL level.
Recently, A governors' wife lost a good amount of weight. She announced that she had been able to eliminate palm oil from her recipes. I became curious and carried out experiments of my own. Enjoy the recipe below. I hope to bring you more recipes soon.
Food for the gods: Egusi Soup
Egusi without Palm oil!

Grinded Egusi seeds (2 derica)
Dry pepper
Seasoning (Knorr)
Meat ( Chicken, Beef, Goat Meat)
Shaki, Kpomo(optional)
Dry fish
Stock Fish
• Boil the meat
•To the meat stock add pepper, crayfish, seasoning, salt and onions
•allow to boil
•add very little water to the egusi powder to form a thick paste
•To the boiling stock add tea spoon sizes of the paste until all the egusi has been scooped
•cover pot and allow to boil
•eventually the balls turn white and form smaller balls
•add the meat, shaki, stockfish etc
•TASTE and adjust accordingly.
• Allow to simmer for a few minutes
May be eaten with Amala, Akpu, Semo, Garri or Pounded yam.
Thursday, 4 April 2013
7 Reasons Why You Might Be Forgetful
So, you know you were supposed to be doing something – but you just can’t remember what it was. Or, in the middle of a conversation, you can’t remember the words you need. Don’t put it down to age, working too hard or having an overloaded mind or you think it is quite normal.
I wish i could directly dedicate this post to a good friend of mine but reading this you know yourself. How else can i explain past events?
Here, we look at some of the common health problems that can cause forgetfulness.
1. High blood pressure
“The increase in blood pressure can mean structural changes in the blood vessels, making them thicker and making it harder to get blood around your body.As a result, you can get organ damage. That can be in the brain as well and affect your recall and cognition. So eat a balanced diet, maintain a healthy weight, exercise regularly, don’t smoke and if you are on blood pressure medication, take it as prescribed.
2. Long-haul travel
Memory can start to be affected after a flight lasting more than four hours .
3. Vitamin B12 deficiency
Vitamin B12 is essential for normal neurological function. Deficiency of vitamin B12 can result in cognitive changes, from memory loss to dementia. Scientists believe vitamin B12 may safeguard the myelin sheath – a layer that insulates our nerves. If the sheath is damaged it can affect the transmission of messages to and from the brain.
4. Menopause
Hormones cause a lot of changes in the body. Hormonal changes like hot flushes and other changes in menstrual cycle may cause one to muddle up things or act out differently.
Women should talk to their doctor about these symptoms if they are affecting their quality of life.
5. Thyroid problems
If you have hypothyroidism – an underactive thyroid – your thyroid gland doesn’t produce enough thyroid hormone. This leads to a slower metabolism and tiredness, and can lead to some forgetfulness.
6. Pregnancy
It’s true – pregnancy can affect memory. Some women act differently during pregnancy and may have difficulty remembering little details like phone numbers etc.
7. Alcohol
Too much alcohol has a negative impact on the hippocampus – a part of the brain involved with recording and storing memories.
Some people drink and function but can lose memory of what happened during the time they were drinking.
I wish i could directly dedicate this post to a good friend of mine but reading this you know yourself. How else can i explain past events?
Here, we look at some of the common health problems that can cause forgetfulness.
1. High blood pressure
“The increase in blood pressure can mean structural changes in the blood vessels, making them thicker and making it harder to get blood around your body.As a result, you can get organ damage. That can be in the brain as well and affect your recall and cognition. So eat a balanced diet, maintain a healthy weight, exercise regularly, don’t smoke and if you are on blood pressure medication, take it as prescribed.
2. Long-haul travel
Memory can start to be affected after a flight lasting more than four hours .
3. Vitamin B12 deficiency
Vitamin B12 is essential for normal neurological function. Deficiency of vitamin B12 can result in cognitive changes, from memory loss to dementia. Scientists believe vitamin B12 may safeguard the myelin sheath – a layer that insulates our nerves. If the sheath is damaged it can affect the transmission of messages to and from the brain.
4. Menopause
Hormones cause a lot of changes in the body. Hormonal changes like hot flushes and other changes in menstrual cycle may cause one to muddle up things or act out differently.
Women should talk to their doctor about these symptoms if they are affecting their quality of life.
5. Thyroid problems
If you have hypothyroidism – an underactive thyroid – your thyroid gland doesn’t produce enough thyroid hormone. This leads to a slower metabolism and tiredness, and can lead to some forgetfulness.
6. Pregnancy
It’s true – pregnancy can affect memory. Some women act differently during pregnancy and may have difficulty remembering little details like phone numbers etc.
7. Alcohol
Too much alcohol has a negative impact on the hippocampus – a part of the brain involved with recording and storing memories.
Some people drink and function but can lose memory of what happened during the time they were drinking.
Wednesday, 3 April 2013
Don't Be Bald!
Have you seen this?
I have seen pretty scary hairlines but this scared me the most. I mean someone with access to cosmetologists, all the hair professionals one can think of and still have this issue. What is the hope for us mere mortals?
Well, it is never too late to try.
I know i know you have tried funny nameless concoctions and concluded that people in your family do not have "front hair".
Let science work for us.Biotin for hair growth is something you may have heard about. But is it something worth trying or just more hype to sell hair care products?
What is Biotin?
Biotin is a naturally occurring vitamin that is found in a number of common foods. It is essential to human health in general for several reasons. It is a B complex vitamin and is also sometimes called Vitamin H. The right amount of this vitamin helps the body metabolize fatty and amino acids in the body so that they can efficiently be used for energy and there is also some research that suggests it can help stabilize blood sugars as well.
The idea that biotin can also help promote healthy hair is rooted in science. One of the early signs of a biotin deficiency in the body is otherwise unexplained hair loss and hair breakage, as well as dry skin and cracked, brittle nails. Therefore many people feel that if they get extra biotin logically the result will be healthier hair.
Where is Biotin Found?
Biotin occurs naturally in a number of different foods especially
liver and kidney
swiss chard
almost all nuts (almond, walnut)
egg and dairy
and some soy
wheat products
vegetables (red beet, cabbage, spinach) and fruits
beans and the mushrooms.
Technically most people should get all the biotin they need from their daily diet but as is increasingly the case for most vitamins the poor diets many of us follow these days do not supply is with all the vitamins and minerals we need and taking a supplement is an idea worth considering.
Before going into the different kinds of products that are available it is important to remember that biotin is a vitamin, not some wonder substance that has been recently discovered and can miraculously produce healthy shiny hair that grows long and strong! Biotin might help hair growth but you also need to look after your hair , avoiding subjecting it to too many chemical processes or high heat treatments. Subjecting your hair to continual bleaching, blow drying and high heat treatments using a tool like a flat iron which does more to damage and break hair as well as limit its growth than almost anything else.
With that in mind though if you are concerned about thinning hair, hair loss or just want to try to make your hair grow faster here is a little about some of the types of products that are available that contain biotin and are designed to do that:
Hair Vitamins» - These days a great many people take a vitamin supplement of some kind on a daily basis. Vitamin supplements that are marketed as hair vitamins are formulated with the recommended dosage of vitamins that are considered to be especially beneficial to healthy hair, including biotin.
Biotin Enriched Shampoos and Conditioners – They range from the affordable to the rather expensive but the price difference does tend to be more about the brand than the actual ingredients which are fairly similar across the board.
Why not give these a try?
For more options and categories of health and wellness vitamin supplements, Please visit in Nigeria;
GNC Live Well
1 B Opebi Road,
GNC Live Well,
Leisure Mall,
Adeniran Ogunsanya Street,
GNC Live Well,
Ceddi Plaza,
I have seen pretty scary hairlines but this scared me the most. I mean someone with access to cosmetologists, all the hair professionals one can think of and still have this issue. What is the hope for us mere mortals?
Well, it is never too late to try.
I know i know you have tried funny nameless concoctions and concluded that people in your family do not have "front hair".
Let science work for us.Biotin for hair growth is something you may have heard about. But is it something worth trying or just more hype to sell hair care products?
What is Biotin?
Biotin is a naturally occurring vitamin that is found in a number of common foods. It is essential to human health in general for several reasons. It is a B complex vitamin and is also sometimes called Vitamin H. The right amount of this vitamin helps the body metabolize fatty and amino acids in the body so that they can efficiently be used for energy and there is also some research that suggests it can help stabilize blood sugars as well.
The idea that biotin can also help promote healthy hair is rooted in science. One of the early signs of a biotin deficiency in the body is otherwise unexplained hair loss and hair breakage, as well as dry skin and cracked, brittle nails. Therefore many people feel that if they get extra biotin logically the result will be healthier hair.
Where is Biotin Found?
Biotin occurs naturally in a number of different foods especially
liver and kidney
swiss chard
almost all nuts (almond, walnut)
egg and dairy
and some soy
wheat products
vegetables (red beet, cabbage, spinach) and fruits
beans and the mushrooms.
Technically most people should get all the biotin they need from their daily diet but as is increasingly the case for most vitamins the poor diets many of us follow these days do not supply is with all the vitamins and minerals we need and taking a supplement is an idea worth considering.
Before going into the different kinds of products that are available it is important to remember that biotin is a vitamin, not some wonder substance that has been recently discovered and can miraculously produce healthy shiny hair that grows long and strong! Biotin might help hair growth but you also need to look after your hair , avoiding subjecting it to too many chemical processes or high heat treatments. Subjecting your hair to continual bleaching, blow drying and high heat treatments using a tool like a flat iron which does more to damage and break hair as well as limit its growth than almost anything else.
With that in mind though if you are concerned about thinning hair, hair loss or just want to try to make your hair grow faster here is a little about some of the types of products that are available that contain biotin and are designed to do that:
Hair Vitamins» - These days a great many people take a vitamin supplement of some kind on a daily basis. Vitamin supplements that are marketed as hair vitamins are formulated with the recommended dosage of vitamins that are considered to be especially beneficial to healthy hair, including biotin.
Biotin Enriched Shampoos and Conditioners – They range from the affordable to the rather expensive but the price difference does tend to be more about the brand than the actual ingredients which are fairly similar across the board.
Why not give these a try?
For more options and categories of health and wellness vitamin supplements, Please visit in Nigeria;
GNC Live Well
1 B Opebi Road,
GNC Live Well,
Leisure Mall,
Adeniran Ogunsanya Street,
GNC Live Well,
Ceddi Plaza,
Tuesday, 2 April 2013
Intimate Care
It is not enough to look sexy in your lingerie!
You gotta keep things going at 100% efficiency.
Todays' word is for the ladies.
I promise to focus on you men folk more.
There are so many issues health wise and other wise that concern women folk some even seemingly silly.
Where and how do you stash your underwear?
When last did you wash your bra?
Didnt you just find that thong under the bed?
Anyone who has ever had a yeast infection knows how uncomfortable it can be. Most women would have at least an episode in their life time.
In case you do not know what yeast infections are. Here is a quick intro
What are yeast infections?
Got that itchy feeling?
A yeast infection is an overgrowth of yeast in your vagina, leading to uncomfortable symptoms such as:
* itching and burning in and around your vagina
* burning sensation when urinating (peeing)
* vaginal pain or discomfort during sex
* vaginal discharge that may look like cottage cheese (it may also be thinner or absent).
The causative organism is candida, which is usually present but an increased growth is responsible for yeast infections.
How do you prevent this?
These simple clothing and hygiene changes may help reduce the risk of yeast infections:
*Update your wardrobe, underwear and hygiene
* Keep your genital area clean and dry. Be sure to dry the area thoroughly after you have a bath or shower.
* Avoid using vaginal deodorants, harsh cleansers, perfumed soaps, douches, or antiseptics. They can irritate your vagina.
* Avoid clothing that fits tightly at the crotch.
* Wear cotton underwear (or underwear with a cotton crotch) rather than underwear made of synthetic fabrics.
* Wipe from front to back after using the toilet.
Let us talk more about your underwear.
Proper care of underwear will reduce your chances of infection and make them last longer. Who would not want them feeling new for longer.
Wash & Care of Underwear
Proper Underwear /lingerie care is essential for longer lasting bras and panties. Sorry to air out dirty laundry here but someone could learn from this.
Hand washing is preferred over machine washing
Wash bras about every 2-3 wears with an alcohol free detergent for gentle laundering. It's also important to build your bra wardrobe so you'll have a good selection of bras to rotate, giving you more bras to wear and less washing to do. Replace your bras every 6 to 9 months.
You do know you are to wash panties after one wear?
Here are some laundering tips for fabrics
As a guideline, most lingerie (especially if it’s made of lace) should be hand washed in cold water with mild soap or a detergent made for hand washing.
The easiest to care for.
Can withstand heat
Cleaning Silk
When it comes to silk, the fabric is fragile, so it’s important to follow these tips:
- Never scrub or wring silk
- Never wear silk in direct sunlight. (It fades easily.)
- Never clean just a spot or section of silk with water — clean the entire garment.
- Never spray perfume on silk
Love Thy Corset
corsets are made with high-quality steel boning, so too much contact with water can cause it to rust.
- Instead of washing your corset every time you wear it, use a damp cloth to clean its lining.
- Try wearing a thin camisole underneath it to prevent any excess perspiration that can dirty it.
Hand or machine wash in cold to warm water, never hot
No chlorine bleach
Color-safe bleach can be used, but be sure to rinse thoroughly
Keep looking good in that Lingerie.
Treat it good too.
Stay sexy and infection free.
You gotta keep things going at 100% efficiency.
Todays' word is for the ladies.
I promise to focus on you men folk more.
There are so many issues health wise and other wise that concern women folk some even seemingly silly.
Where and how do you stash your underwear?
When last did you wash your bra?
Didnt you just find that thong under the bed?
Anyone who has ever had a yeast infection knows how uncomfortable it can be. Most women would have at least an episode in their life time.
In case you do not know what yeast infections are. Here is a quick intro
What are yeast infections?
Got that itchy feeling?
A yeast infection is an overgrowth of yeast in your vagina, leading to uncomfortable symptoms such as:
* itching and burning in and around your vagina
* burning sensation when urinating (peeing)
* vaginal pain or discomfort during sex
* vaginal discharge that may look like cottage cheese (it may also be thinner or absent).
The causative organism is candida, which is usually present but an increased growth is responsible for yeast infections.
How do you prevent this?
These simple clothing and hygiene changes may help reduce the risk of yeast infections:
*Update your wardrobe, underwear and hygiene
* Keep your genital area clean and dry. Be sure to dry the area thoroughly after you have a bath or shower.
* Avoid using vaginal deodorants, harsh cleansers, perfumed soaps, douches, or antiseptics. They can irritate your vagina.
* Avoid clothing that fits tightly at the crotch.
* Wear cotton underwear (or underwear with a cotton crotch) rather than underwear made of synthetic fabrics.
* Wipe from front to back after using the toilet.
Let us talk more about your underwear.
Proper care of underwear will reduce your chances of infection and make them last longer. Who would not want them feeling new for longer.
Wash & Care of Underwear
Proper Underwear /lingerie care is essential for longer lasting bras and panties. Sorry to air out dirty laundry here but someone could learn from this.
Hand washing is preferred over machine washing
Wash bras about every 2-3 wears with an alcohol free detergent for gentle laundering. It's also important to build your bra wardrobe so you'll have a good selection of bras to rotate, giving you more bras to wear and less washing to do. Replace your bras every 6 to 9 months.
You do know you are to wash panties after one wear?
Here are some laundering tips for fabrics
As a guideline, most lingerie (especially if it’s made of lace) should be hand washed in cold water with mild soap or a detergent made for hand washing.
The easiest to care for.
Can withstand heat
Cleaning Silk
When it comes to silk, the fabric is fragile, so it’s important to follow these tips:
- Never scrub or wring silk
- Never wear silk in direct sunlight. (It fades easily.)
- Never clean just a spot or section of silk with water — clean the entire garment.
- Never spray perfume on silk
Love Thy Corset
corsets are made with high-quality steel boning, so too much contact with water can cause it to rust.
- Instead of washing your corset every time you wear it, use a damp cloth to clean its lining.
- Try wearing a thin camisole underneath it to prevent any excess perspiration that can dirty it.
Hand or machine wash in cold to warm water, never hot
No chlorine bleach
Color-safe bleach can be used, but be sure to rinse thoroughly
Keep looking good in that Lingerie.
Treat it good too.
Stay sexy and infection free.
Monday, 1 April 2013
Help your Eyes
Help! I can't see without my glasses.
Help! I can't be seen without my glasses.
Presently, i rely on my glasses more than ever to carry out my daily activities and move from Point A to B. It is quite worrisome to me. I have decided to make lifestyle adjustments that would help my eyes in the long run.
The eyes are a very delicate part of your body. your eyes require certain nutrients to properly function, just like any other part. Like the rest of your body, your eyes age and can be affected by your lifestyle choices and behaviours.
A part of the eye called the macula (the part of the eye that allows you to see fine details) deteriorates over time, the vision can blur and become less clear.
Other eye conditions are more likely to occur as you get older including cataracts (a clouding over the lens of the eye) and glaucoma (increased eye pressure that damages the nerves in the eye). People with diabetes may develop diabetic retinopathy, which involves changes in the blood vessels that deprive the retina of oxygen. So it is important that we start to care for the eyes as early as possible. We can start with diet.
You may have heard that carrots are good for your eyes, but are there other foods you can add to your diet to support healthy vision?
Foods packed with antioxidants help to protect your eyes from oxidative damage. By eating green, leafy vegetables like spinach. You'll feed your eyes hearty helpings of lutein and zeaxanthin. These two eye-friendly antioxidants have been linked to a decreased risk of cataracts.
Greens supply potent antioxidants and are a healthy addition to any diet, but they're not the only tasty lutein source, eggs also contain lutein. Eggs should however be consumed in moderation because of cholesterol.
Eating 3 or more servings of fruits per day may protect you from a more serious form of macular degeneration.
Get into the swim and go nuts because the specific types of fat in fish and nuts have proven to be protective against the progression of age-related eye problems. High intake of dark meat (high in omega-3 fats) fish, like salmon, sardines, or mackerel, was especially helpful against cataract formation and macular degeneration.
When it comes to carbohydrates and eye health, it's what you don't eat that matters. Some kinds of carbs break down very quickly after you eat them and are distributed through your body as glucose. These quick-release carbs are high on what's called the glycemic index and include foods like white bread, baked potatoes, popcorn, pure sugar, and watermelon. By reducing your intake of these kinds of carbs, you may also reduce your risk of macular degeneration.
And what about carrots? Carrots are rich in beta-carotene, a nutrient our bodies convert to vitamin A, which is crucial for healthy vision. If you eat plenty of colourful fruits and veggies, you should get all the beta-carotene you need.
Keep an eye on your total health. Strive to eat a nutritious and varied diet to avoid cardiovascular disease, diabetes, obesity, and other risks that might threaten the health of your eyes.
Help! I can't be seen without my glasses.
Presently, i rely on my glasses more than ever to carry out my daily activities and move from Point A to B. It is quite worrisome to me. I have decided to make lifestyle adjustments that would help my eyes in the long run.
The eyes are a very delicate part of your body. your eyes require certain nutrients to properly function, just like any other part. Like the rest of your body, your eyes age and can be affected by your lifestyle choices and behaviours.
A part of the eye called the macula (the part of the eye that allows you to see fine details) deteriorates over time, the vision can blur and become less clear.
Other eye conditions are more likely to occur as you get older including cataracts (a clouding over the lens of the eye) and glaucoma (increased eye pressure that damages the nerves in the eye). People with diabetes may develop diabetic retinopathy, which involves changes in the blood vessels that deprive the retina of oxygen. So it is important that we start to care for the eyes as early as possible. We can start with diet.
You may have heard that carrots are good for your eyes, but are there other foods you can add to your diet to support healthy vision?
Foods packed with antioxidants help to protect your eyes from oxidative damage. By eating green, leafy vegetables like spinach. You'll feed your eyes hearty helpings of lutein and zeaxanthin. These two eye-friendly antioxidants have been linked to a decreased risk of cataracts.
Greens supply potent antioxidants and are a healthy addition to any diet, but they're not the only tasty lutein source, eggs also contain lutein. Eggs should however be consumed in moderation because of cholesterol.
Eating 3 or more servings of fruits per day may protect you from a more serious form of macular degeneration.
Get into the swim and go nuts because the specific types of fat in fish and nuts have proven to be protective against the progression of age-related eye problems. High intake of dark meat (high in omega-3 fats) fish, like salmon, sardines, or mackerel, was especially helpful against cataract formation and macular degeneration.
When it comes to carbohydrates and eye health, it's what you don't eat that matters. Some kinds of carbs break down very quickly after you eat them and are distributed through your body as glucose. These quick-release carbs are high on what's called the glycemic index and include foods like white bread, baked potatoes, popcorn, pure sugar, and watermelon. By reducing your intake of these kinds of carbs, you may also reduce your risk of macular degeneration.
And what about carrots? Carrots are rich in beta-carotene, a nutrient our bodies convert to vitamin A, which is crucial for healthy vision. If you eat plenty of colourful fruits and veggies, you should get all the beta-carotene you need.
Keep an eye on your total health. Strive to eat a nutritious and varied diet to avoid cardiovascular disease, diabetes, obesity, and other risks that might threaten the health of your eyes.
Sunday, 31 March 2013
Today, we are talking about allergies.
I remember when I was in boarding school most people used them as an excuse to get out of chores but theres more to allergies than that.
Sometimes it is difficult to know when one is having an allergic reaction or a common cold or other illnesses.
Let us talk about it.
What are Allergies?
Allergies result when the body's immune system overreacts to a substance that is normally harmless. The substance, which is referred to as an allergen, could be anything from the pollen of a specific tree to a particular ingredient in a medication. It could be a puppy's dander or a food such as peanuts. While not everyone experiences allergies, some people are allergic to one specific thing, while others suffer a wide variety of different reactions to different allergens.Two of the most common types of allergies are seasonal outdoor allergies (seasonal allergic rhinitis) and year-round indoor allergies (perennial allergic rhinitis).Indoor allergens like dust, mould, mildew, and animal dander can irritate eyes, noses, and throats all year round.
Allergy signs and symptoms
Allergy symptoms may include the following:• sneezing• runny nose• itchy throat, nose, roof of the mouth• itchy, watery or red eyes• congestionAlthough allergies and colds have similar symptoms, there are some telltale signs that can help you differentiate between them. If you aren't sure whether you have allergies or just a cold, Your pharmacist or doctor can help determine the cause of your symptoms and recommend appropriate treatment.
Is it an allergy or a cold?
Symptoms of allergies
No Fever
Watery and Clear nasal discharge
Rarely Cough
It usually lasts weeks to months.
Symptoms of Colds
Sometimes Fever
Thick and Coloured Nasal Discharge
It usually lasts about a week
Avoiding allergens
Sidestep your triggers.
If you know what triggers your allergies, it is best to avoid it.For some people, allergy season lasts all year and its symptoms strike close to home. It can be challenging to avoid your allergy triggers when they're all over your house, but it can be done.
Deal with dust.
Keep the house as dust-free as possible. When dusting, use a damp cloth. The dust will cling to the cloth better this way, keeping it from floating off into the air. Regularly wash bed sheets in hot water, choose sturdy but lightweight fabric blankets that can withstand weekly washings.Wear protective wear when sweeping or vacuuming or ask someone else to vacuum for you.Smooth the surfaces. Dust clings to random clutter like clothes, books, and paperwork. Piles of pillows may please the eye, but they're dust collectors, too, as are stuffed toys. Houseplants seem like they would be good for the air, but they tend to accumulate dust and mould.You can regularly wipe down surfaces to get rid of dust.
Minimize the mould.
A cool, well-ventilated home with low humidity levels will invite less mould. Closed-in spaces such as closets, basements, and especially bathrooms are mould magnets. Shower curtains tend to get mouldy after repeated use and should either be regularly bleached or simply replaced.
Protect yourself from pet dander.
Unfortunately, most experts would recommend removing allergy-causing animals from the house. You may also want to consider implementing a strict "No pets allowed" policy in bed.
avoiding allergens
There are a wide range of treatments available for allergy sufferers, including prescription and non-prescription products. These include:
Nasal medications (decongestants)
Eye drops
Oral medications (example antihistamines)
Saturday, 30 March 2013
Hair...You Do Not Want It Here!
There is nothing as distracting as feeling a strand of hair on your chin ( that's if you are a woman). I find that once i feel that strand of hair i become obsessed with getting rid of it. I have to will my fingers away from my face after that.
I might forget it or pretend to forget it but the most annoying moment is when a guy notices the stray hair.
If you have ever felt uncomfortable about been hairier than the average woman, cheer up! You are not alone.
There are simple ways to get rid of unwanted hairs.
*Use tweezers to reduce facial hair.
Sterilize the ends of the tweezers with rubbing alcohol before and after plucking to avoid infection. Stretch the skin gently around the area that you want to pluck. Grip the hair near the root then firmly pull the hair.
Plucking facial hair is inexpensive, but time consuming. It can also be painful and lead to ingrown hairs if the hair breaks off underneath the skin. You can avoid ingrown hairs by pulling the hair gently as opposed to yanking it out with the tweezers.
Hair regrowth after plucking can occur in 3 to 8 weeks.
*Shave unwanted facial hair with a disposable razor.
( For more than a few strands)
Apply a shaving gel or foam to the chin or upper lip. Glide the razor across the skin in the direction that the hair grows. You can also use an electric razor for wet or dry shaving.Hair regrowth after shaving is fast: from a few hours to a few days.
*Try an at home waxing kit.
Waxing removes hair from the root. Warm wax should be applied to the desired area using the applicator that comes the kit then allowed to cool. Use your fingers to pull the cold wax off of your skin in the opposite direction of the hair growth. Regular waxing can reduce regrowth because this technique interrupts the development of hair follicles.
Regrowth can occur in 2 to 3 weeks.
*Try threading
Visit an expert. Hair regrows in 3 to 4 weeks.
*Use a hair growth inhibitor.
Visit your dermatologist to get a prescription for a hair inhibitor. Hair inhibitors
are plant based products that change the structure of hair follicles so that
the hair grows thin and soft and eventually it does not grow at all.
Apply the cream to the areas of your face where you want to reduce hair growth. The cream will remain on your skin. Follow the instructions that accompany the product.
Hair growth inhibitors can be used with other hair reduction methods such as threading, waxing and tweezing.
Results may take 4 to 6 months.
*Try a Laser Hair Treatment.
Laser hair treatments are very useful for getting rid of that unwanted hair. The
Laser gives off beams of heat and light to the roots of the hair and stops the
hair from growing after a period of time.To get the end result it will take 9 or more months but is much more worth it. It is more expensive at first, but in the end you save money
Shaving can lead to ingrown hairs. It can also result in cuts to the skin. Use a shaving lotion or gel to reduce irritation.
Waxing can be painful and may cause irritation and/or bleeding. Follow the directions provided with the home waxing kit you choose very carefully
See a doctor If:
#The hair grows rapidly
#You also have male features such as acne, deepening voice, increased muscle mass, and decreased breast size.
#You are concerned that medication may be worsening unwanted hair growth
I might forget it or pretend to forget it but the most annoying moment is when a guy notices the stray hair.
If you have ever felt uncomfortable about been hairier than the average woman, cheer up! You are not alone.
There are simple ways to get rid of unwanted hairs.
*Use tweezers to reduce facial hair.
Sterilize the ends of the tweezers with rubbing alcohol before and after plucking to avoid infection. Stretch the skin gently around the area that you want to pluck. Grip the hair near the root then firmly pull the hair.
Plucking facial hair is inexpensive, but time consuming. It can also be painful and lead to ingrown hairs if the hair breaks off underneath the skin. You can avoid ingrown hairs by pulling the hair gently as opposed to yanking it out with the tweezers.
Hair regrowth after plucking can occur in 3 to 8 weeks.
*Shave unwanted facial hair with a disposable razor.
( For more than a few strands)
Apply a shaving gel or foam to the chin or upper lip. Glide the razor across the skin in the direction that the hair grows. You can also use an electric razor for wet or dry shaving.Hair regrowth after shaving is fast: from a few hours to a few days.
*Try an at home waxing kit.
Waxing removes hair from the root. Warm wax should be applied to the desired area using the applicator that comes the kit then allowed to cool. Use your fingers to pull the cold wax off of your skin in the opposite direction of the hair growth. Regular waxing can reduce regrowth because this technique interrupts the development of hair follicles.
Regrowth can occur in 2 to 3 weeks.
*Try threading
Visit an expert. Hair regrows in 3 to 4 weeks.
*Use a hair growth inhibitor.
Visit your dermatologist to get a prescription for a hair inhibitor. Hair inhibitors
are plant based products that change the structure of hair follicles so that
the hair grows thin and soft and eventually it does not grow at all.
Apply the cream to the areas of your face where you want to reduce hair growth. The cream will remain on your skin. Follow the instructions that accompany the product.
Hair growth inhibitors can be used with other hair reduction methods such as threading, waxing and tweezing.
Results may take 4 to 6 months.
*Try a Laser Hair Treatment.
Laser hair treatments are very useful for getting rid of that unwanted hair. The
Laser gives off beams of heat and light to the roots of the hair and stops the
hair from growing after a period of time.To get the end result it will take 9 or more months but is much more worth it. It is more expensive at first, but in the end you save money
Shaving can lead to ingrown hairs. It can also result in cuts to the skin. Use a shaving lotion or gel to reduce irritation.
Waxing can be painful and may cause irritation and/or bleeding. Follow the directions provided with the home waxing kit you choose very carefully
See a doctor If:
#The hair grows rapidly
#You also have male features such as acne, deepening voice, increased muscle mass, and decreased breast size.
#You are concerned that medication may be worsening unwanted hair growth
Friday, 29 March 2013
Who are You Calling Fat?
I have always been the fat friend, deep down i know i am not fat. Yes, i know i am not. Its just i am surrounded by skinny friends even one who had a baby had the guts to be slimmer than i am presently during and after pregnancy. I go home and i am reminded how slim my mother was bla bla. I am with my current weight now but i did have times when i was unsure of myself.
I want to ask you a crucial question.
How can you tell if you need to lose weight ?
There are some concrete measures to tell whether your weight is putting you at risk for health problems.
BMI (body mass index): Your BMI is calculated based on your weight and height, and determines whether you are underweight, at a healthy weight, or are overweight or obese.
Weight in kilograms divided by height multiplied by height.
BMI = Weight (kg)/(Height (m) x Height (m))
Underweight = Less than 18.5
Normal = 18.5 - 24.9
Overweight = 25- 29.9
Overweight = 30 and Above
Waist circumference: Don't think your BMI is an accurate reflection of how healthy your weight is? For a few people, it isn't. If you have a high proportion of muscle, your BMI may define you as overweight even if your weight isn't actually a problem. Or, your BMI may say you're at a healthy weight, when in fact, you are carrying a high proportion of dangerous belly fat. For women, waist circumference should be below 88 cm (35 inches), while for men, it should be below 102 cm (40 inches).
The cold, hard numbers don't lie. But even if you know your weight is a problem, do you have to take action now? In a word, Yes!
While you may have the best intentions in the world to start a weight loss plan some time in the not-too-distant future, there really is no time like the present.
It may seem harmless to "weight it out a little" but if you don't take action now, you run the risk of gaining even more weight. Once people are overweight, their weight is more likely to keep increasing, eventually pushing them into obesity territory.
As we grow older, many people slowly gain small amounts of weight, even as little as 1 kilogram. That may not seem like much, but over time it can add up - turning a little excess weight into a "growing" problem.
Need another reason to maintain a healthy weight? A loss of 5% to 10% of your body weight along with 30 minutes a day of moderate exercise can reduce your risk of diabetes by almost 60%.
I hope i have not overwhelmed you with numbers.
Now you know if you need to lose weight or put on weight or stay where you are.
I Care.
Thursday, 28 March 2013
Staying Wet
Too much of a good thing?
I have been getting response from the super studs amongst us who have sworn to me that they are so good. They last so long that they have their lady friends worn out.
If the majority of men are long lasting (this has not been proven) in intercourse then I have to prepare the women.
Most women do not stay lubricated for long periods during rigorous intercourse. This does not mean she is not enjoying sex. It is caused by a variety of factors. Vaginal dryness may also result from insufficient excitement and stimulation or from hormonal changes, pregnancy or breast-feeding. Irritation from contraceptive creams and foams can also cause dryness, fear and anxiety about sexual intimacy.
What is lubrication anyway?
Vaginal lubrication occurs by a lubricating fluid that is naturally produced in a woman's vagina. Moistness is always present, but production increases during sexual arousal in anticipation of intercourse. Without sufficient lubrication sexual intercourse can be painful to the woman.
Why are you not “wet”?
* Perhaps you are under stress. It also happens as we age and it happens periodically throughout life as our hormones rise and fall.
* Have you changed any medications recently? Lots of medicines can cause vaginal dryness as a side effect.
What can you do?
*Try having a shower before intercourse. You will feel cleaner, fresher more confident to be adventurous. Note however when washing your nether regions before sex, use cold water as hot water can dry you out.
* Maybe you need a change! Slow down. Do more nonsexual touching, kissing and fondling to enable you to become more fully aroused. What fantasies might you want to try? How about a new toy or position? Maybe have a night of just oral play for both of you for a change. Also, have your partner use his fingers inside you . Some women can even ejaculate during intense orgasms! Then proceed to intercourse! You should be really wet by then.
* How about your diet? It is hot outside and our diet reflects how our body can respond. Are you eating a healthier diet with lots of fruits and veggies, or are you a meat and starch person? Lower the amount of high cholesterol foods, increase fruits and veggies and drink more water. The cleaner, healthier diet keeps all of your parts moving and your sex life benefits too! Take vitamins, especially zinc which helps with lubrication.
* How often are you having sex? Having sex regularly naturally keeps the juices flowing so keep trying to stay connected and let your body relax and enjoy the wonderful sensations!
*Female arousal usually takes more time than male arousal, so foreplay is crucial. Your brain needs to feel sexy so that your body can feel sexy.
* Try using a water-based lubricant for now. It will help to keep you lubricated and make penetration more comfortable. Different lubes have stimulants and flavorings
Try something new and different. Sex should never be the same thing every time so have some fun.
Looking forward to tips and tricks from you.
I have been getting response from the super studs amongst us who have sworn to me that they are so good. They last so long that they have their lady friends worn out.
If the majority of men are long lasting (this has not been proven) in intercourse then I have to prepare the women.
Most women do not stay lubricated for long periods during rigorous intercourse. This does not mean she is not enjoying sex. It is caused by a variety of factors. Vaginal dryness may also result from insufficient excitement and stimulation or from hormonal changes, pregnancy or breast-feeding. Irritation from contraceptive creams and foams can also cause dryness, fear and anxiety about sexual intimacy.
What is lubrication anyway?
Vaginal lubrication occurs by a lubricating fluid that is naturally produced in a woman's vagina. Moistness is always present, but production increases during sexual arousal in anticipation of intercourse. Without sufficient lubrication sexual intercourse can be painful to the woman.
Why are you not “wet”?
* Perhaps you are under stress. It also happens as we age and it happens periodically throughout life as our hormones rise and fall.
* Have you changed any medications recently? Lots of medicines can cause vaginal dryness as a side effect.
What can you do?
*Try having a shower before intercourse. You will feel cleaner, fresher more confident to be adventurous. Note however when washing your nether regions before sex, use cold water as hot water can dry you out.
* Maybe you need a change! Slow down. Do more nonsexual touching, kissing and fondling to enable you to become more fully aroused. What fantasies might you want to try? How about a new toy or position? Maybe have a night of just oral play for both of you for a change. Also, have your partner use his fingers inside you . Some women can even ejaculate during intense orgasms! Then proceed to intercourse! You should be really wet by then.
* How about your diet? It is hot outside and our diet reflects how our body can respond. Are you eating a healthier diet with lots of fruits and veggies, or are you a meat and starch person? Lower the amount of high cholesterol foods, increase fruits and veggies and drink more water. The cleaner, healthier diet keeps all of your parts moving and your sex life benefits too! Take vitamins, especially zinc which helps with lubrication.
* How often are you having sex? Having sex regularly naturally keeps the juices flowing so keep trying to stay connected and let your body relax and enjoy the wonderful sensations!
*Female arousal usually takes more time than male arousal, so foreplay is crucial. Your brain needs to feel sexy so that your body can feel sexy.
* Try using a water-based lubricant for now. It will help to keep you lubricated and make penetration more comfortable. Different lubes have stimulants and flavorings
Try something new and different. Sex should never be the same thing every time so have some fun.
Looking forward to tips and tricks from you.
Wednesday, 27 March 2013
One Minute Man
show me what you got
Cos i don't want no one minute man!
How long do you last in bed?
Does it matter?
Are you satisfied with your lasting time during intercourse?
Is your partner satisfied?
Premature ejaculation is one of the most common sexual issues.
Do you know it is more common in younger men? Older men may have problems getting it up but with age and experience they are able to control ejaculation.
What is premature ejaculation?
Premature ejaculation is uncontrolled ejaculation either before or shortly after sexual penetration, with minimal sexual stimulation and before the person wishes.
In less fancy words premature ejaculation is when you cum too soon, sooner than you would have liked, before you had the chance to satisfy your partner.
(Side Note: Ladies if a guy comes too quickly it may be a direct compliment to you)
What causes premature ejaculation?
Most cases of premature ejaculation do not have a clear cause. Let us leave the causes to the scientists to figure out the and focus on bringing out the stud, the "energizer bunny", the inner cassanova in you.
Premature ejaculation may occur with a new partner, only in certain sexual situations, or if it has been a long time since the last ejaculation. Psychological and medical issues may contribute.
Tips and Tricks to increase lasting time
In many cases premature ejaculation resolves on its own over time without the need for medical treatment.
For some men, stopping or cutting down on the use of alcohol, tobacco, or illegal drugs may improve their ability to control ejaculation.
The mind is the most powerful drug
First, you need to learn to calm yourself down and lower your performance anxiety because premature ejaculation is associated with infrequent sex, men with low frequencies of sexual activity often get extra excited and aroused, which can lead to performance anxiety when sex presents itself. Even men with frequent sex can get extra-aroused. Think back on the scenarios you had in mind and let them play (of course those thoughts should not be of you cuming too quick).
Are you comfortable?
During sex, if you’re holding your breath, flexing your abs and muscles, or supporting your weight in certain sexual positions (missionary), you’re creating muscle tension that increases the potential for premature ejaculation.
Tell her how you like it
Men that are comfortable with their body image and with being touched often have lower ratings of sexual anxiety.
Start-Stop Method
The start-stop method is a tested method to learning to control and last longer. A man will stimulate his penis until he is ready to have an orgasm and then cease stop.
Why this self-administered torture? You’re training yourself to find your point of no return. This is the moment before orgasm when you’re about to explode. Instead of ejaculating, you stop the stimulation and allow the feeling of orgasm to subside.
Essentially, you’re teaching your mind and body to get comfortable with being in heightened states of arousal and learning orgasm approaches. At first, masturbate alone using the start-stop method, then use it with your partner (hand job), fellatio (blow job) and finally incorporate the start-stop method with intercourse.
Sex Positions
Who would’ve thought the positions we have sex in can impact premature ejaculation? Oddly enough, the most popular position is missionary, which is also the position associated most with premature ejaculation. For a man looking to cure premature ejaculation try positions that limit muscular tension such as female on top, side-to-side (spooning) and rear entry (doggy style) when both partners are on their knees.
Other Treatments
Personally, I think desensitising creams are a short-term fix. Why would you want to reduce your sensation? Isn’t the whole point of sex to feel sensation and find ways to enhance this? Condoms have similar desensitising aspects but at least protect you from STIs and pregnancy. Ejaculating before intercourse is another way to last longer. The more times we ejaculate in a sexual experience, the longer lasting we become and less semen we produce. Try cumming from a hand job or a blow job before full on sex.
What did i miss ?
How do you pros do it?
Tuesday, 26 March 2013
Fine Girl; No Bleaching
Monday, 25 March 2013
You Beat It, You Beat Your Bad Habit?
This question is for my friend. You know yourself. Answer the question.
Have you really quit smoking?
I need answers? Why do people hide their smoking habits from their significant other? From their friends?
How do you really quit a bad habit?
How did you stay smoke free?
I have some textbook ways to help but i would really like to hear what you have tried.
Hang out in places where smoking is not allowed. It makes you feel better about your decision not to smoke, makes not smoking feel more normal for you, and helps you avoid temptation.
Write down in your journal everything positive that happened after you quit. Notice how you can taste your food more, how you can breathe easier, or how much money you've saved. Write the most powerful differences on a card, carry it with you, and read it often to make yourself feel good or use it in situations when you feel tempted to smoke.
Avoid testing yourself with "just one." Your brain will respond immediately to a cigarette and will start pushing you for more.
Avoid criticizing or punishing yourself if you have weak moments. Research shows it doesn't usually help - it only makes you feel bad, which in turn, may make you want to reach for a cigarette even more. Emotions are a natural cause for cravings, so don't spark them yourself.
Keep your personal space (house, car, workplace) smoke-free. Research shows that people who make their personal spaces smoke-free have better success remaining a non-smoker.
Keep cigarettes, lighters, ashtrays, and other reminders of smoking out of your personal space. Research also shows that these things signal your brain to want cigarettes, just like a red light signals you to stop your car.
Find things to keep yourself feeling good. Cigarettes used to help you feel good. It's time to figure out what else makes you feel good - physical activity, work on your house, hobbies, volunteering, playing in a sports league, coaching, cooking, gardening, and many more.
Learn to deal with lack of support. Not everyone is going to support you when you quit. Some people may feel defensive, threatened, left out, believe "things have changed," or feel pressure to change themselves. They may need some time to figure out what your changes mean for them, and how to adapt. Be as supportive of them as you can without ruining your chances of success.
Learn to use problem-solving skills. If you find yourself wavering, write down the details of the problem (don't guess). Write down at least 5 solutions, no matter how far out they are. Don't criticize any of them. Then choose as many as possible. Try them alone and in combination - start right away. Record what happens. Tinker with the solutions until you find the ones that work for each situation.
To prevent relapse, prepare in advance for situations that you know tempt you. Prepare a strategy to deal with each one.
What will you tell yourself to coach yourself through the temptation? Write it on a card. Carry it with you. It's too difficult to remember in the heat of the moment.
Who will you ask for help? What will you ask them to do - distract you, encourage you, go for a walk?
What will you do? Leave the situation, distract yourself, clean a closet, drink cold water, eat a hard candy, run around the block, mow the lawn? Practice your techniques in your mind and for real as often as you can so they become a more natural response than smoking.
I want to hear how you beat your bad habit.
Have a great week.
Have you really quit smoking?
I need answers? Why do people hide their smoking habits from their significant other? From their friends?
How do you really quit a bad habit?
How did you stay smoke free?
I have some textbook ways to help but i would really like to hear what you have tried.
Hang out in places where smoking is not allowed. It makes you feel better about your decision not to smoke, makes not smoking feel more normal for you, and helps you avoid temptation.
Write down in your journal everything positive that happened after you quit. Notice how you can taste your food more, how you can breathe easier, or how much money you've saved. Write the most powerful differences on a card, carry it with you, and read it often to make yourself feel good or use it in situations when you feel tempted to smoke.
Avoid testing yourself with "just one." Your brain will respond immediately to a cigarette and will start pushing you for more.
Avoid criticizing or punishing yourself if you have weak moments. Research shows it doesn't usually help - it only makes you feel bad, which in turn, may make you want to reach for a cigarette even more. Emotions are a natural cause for cravings, so don't spark them yourself.
Keep your personal space (house, car, workplace) smoke-free. Research shows that people who make their personal spaces smoke-free have better success remaining a non-smoker.
Keep cigarettes, lighters, ashtrays, and other reminders of smoking out of your personal space. Research also shows that these things signal your brain to want cigarettes, just like a red light signals you to stop your car.
Find things to keep yourself feeling good. Cigarettes used to help you feel good. It's time to figure out what else makes you feel good - physical activity, work on your house, hobbies, volunteering, playing in a sports league, coaching, cooking, gardening, and many more.
Learn to deal with lack of support. Not everyone is going to support you when you quit. Some people may feel defensive, threatened, left out, believe "things have changed," or feel pressure to change themselves. They may need some time to figure out what your changes mean for them, and how to adapt. Be as supportive of them as you can without ruining your chances of success.
Learn to use problem-solving skills. If you find yourself wavering, write down the details of the problem (don't guess). Write down at least 5 solutions, no matter how far out they are. Don't criticize any of them. Then choose as many as possible. Try them alone and in combination - start right away. Record what happens. Tinker with the solutions until you find the ones that work for each situation.
To prevent relapse, prepare in advance for situations that you know tempt you. Prepare a strategy to deal with each one.
What will you tell yourself to coach yourself through the temptation? Write it on a card. Carry it with you. It's too difficult to remember in the heat of the moment.
Who will you ask for help? What will you ask them to do - distract you, encourage you, go for a walk?
What will you do? Leave the situation, distract yourself, clean a closet, drink cold water, eat a hard candy, run around the block, mow the lawn? Practice your techniques in your mind and for real as often as you can so they become a more natural response than smoking.
I want to hear how you beat your bad habit.
Have a great week.
Sunday, 24 March 2013
Tackling the Mayhem of Oily Skin
This article is more for me than anyone i know. You see it is easy to spot me in pictures. I am the girl with the shiny face, the oily nose, the mirror forehead. So this is a reminder for me and some tips for you.
Oils produced by the body help keep skin healthy, but there can be too much of a good thing. Excess oil can lead to blemishes and acne flare-ups. Fortunately, there are plenty of ways to cut down on oiliness and clear complexion.
Ways to Care for Oily Skin
Dermatologists agree that the most effective way to manage oily skin is to cleanse your face both morning and night. Always use a gentle cleanser since harsh soaps can trigger the skin to increase oil production.
If a basic facial cleanser doesn’t cut oiliness, try a product that includes an acid such as benzoyl peroxide, salicylic acid, glycolic acid, or beta-hydroxy acid.
I recommend applying toners only on oily areas of the skin, such as the forehead, nose, and chin. Avoid using them on areas that tend to be dry or you’re likely to create dry patches on your skin.
Medicated Pads
Pads medicated with salicylic acid, glycolic acid, or other oil-cutting acid ingredients are another beauty routine option.You can carry them in your purse and use them on the run to freshen up your skin and remove excess oil.
Blotting Paper
Cosmetic blotting papers offer a great option for removing oil because they don’t dry out your skin. Apply it to oily areas, such as forehead, nose, and chin. Simply press it against the oily area long enough to absorb oil. Some blotting papers are lightly powdered, which further reduces shine.
Masks and Clays
Applying masks and clays to the skin helps draw out oils and cleanses pores, but there is also concern for over drying.
People who have oily skin often steer clear of moisturizers, To be honest i avoid creams myself .That’s a bad idea. Even oily skin needs to be moisturized to look its best as I've now learnt. To avoid an oily sheen, choose an oil-free moisturizer.
Oil-free Sunscreen
Sunscreens can pose a problem for people with oily skin since they tend to be thick and can block pores.Even so, protecting skin from ultraviolet radiation is absolutely essential.
Adapt Your Facial Regimen
How oily your skin appears can vary season by season, week by week, even day by day. Oil production is influenced by hormones, by mood, even by the weather.It’s important to be aware of how your skin varies so that you can adjust your regimen That’s important to know since overusing these products can cause skin to dry out.
Creams laced with tretinoin, adapalene, or tazarotene can also help by altering pores and reducing oiliness. Since these products can be irritating, it’s best to use them only on oily areas and only as often as you really need it.
It’s worth remembering that oil production is a normal part of healthy skin. People with naturally oily skin tend to have fewer wrinkles and healthier looking skin so don’t go overboard in your efforts. ( Thank heavens there is something positive).
Remove excess oiliness when you need to look your best, but be careful to preserve your skin’s natural anti-aging mechanism.
I hope this helps.
Happy Sunday!
Oils produced by the body help keep skin healthy, but there can be too much of a good thing. Excess oil can lead to blemishes and acne flare-ups. Fortunately, there are plenty of ways to cut down on oiliness and clear complexion.
Ways to Care for Oily Skin
Dermatologists agree that the most effective way to manage oily skin is to cleanse your face both morning and night. Always use a gentle cleanser since harsh soaps can trigger the skin to increase oil production.
If a basic facial cleanser doesn’t cut oiliness, try a product that includes an acid such as benzoyl peroxide, salicylic acid, glycolic acid, or beta-hydroxy acid.
I recommend applying toners only on oily areas of the skin, such as the forehead, nose, and chin. Avoid using them on areas that tend to be dry or you’re likely to create dry patches on your skin.
Medicated Pads
Pads medicated with salicylic acid, glycolic acid, or other oil-cutting acid ingredients are another beauty routine option.You can carry them in your purse and use them on the run to freshen up your skin and remove excess oil.
Blotting Paper
Cosmetic blotting papers offer a great option for removing oil because they don’t dry out your skin. Apply it to oily areas, such as forehead, nose, and chin. Simply press it against the oily area long enough to absorb oil. Some blotting papers are lightly powdered, which further reduces shine.
Masks and Clays
Applying masks and clays to the skin helps draw out oils and cleanses pores, but there is also concern for over drying.
People who have oily skin often steer clear of moisturizers, To be honest i avoid creams myself .That’s a bad idea. Even oily skin needs to be moisturized to look its best as I've now learnt. To avoid an oily sheen, choose an oil-free moisturizer.
Oil-free Sunscreen
Sunscreens can pose a problem for people with oily skin since they tend to be thick and can block pores.Even so, protecting skin from ultraviolet radiation is absolutely essential.
Adapt Your Facial Regimen
How oily your skin appears can vary season by season, week by week, even day by day. Oil production is influenced by hormones, by mood, even by the weather.It’s important to be aware of how your skin varies so that you can adjust your regimen That’s important to know since overusing these products can cause skin to dry out.
Creams laced with tretinoin, adapalene, or tazarotene can also help by altering pores and reducing oiliness. Since these products can be irritating, it’s best to use them only on oily areas and only as often as you really need it.
It’s worth remembering that oil production is a normal part of healthy skin. People with naturally oily skin tend to have fewer wrinkles and healthier looking skin so don’t go overboard in your efforts. ( Thank heavens there is something positive).
Remove excess oiliness when you need to look your best, but be careful to preserve your skin’s natural anti-aging mechanism.
I hope this helps.
Happy Sunday!
Saturday, 23 March 2013
Stretch Marks
GIRL: Akpos darling, give me a pet name. You know we are in a relationship now.
AKPOS: Zebra girl
GIRL: Why?
AKPOS: Because of your stretch marks.
I found that joke quite funny even though i am a "Zebra Girl". I am on a quest to find the magic potion to get rid of stretch marks. If you have stretch marks, you would know they are one of the hardest things to get rid of.
Stretch marks are often the result of the rapid stretching of the skin associated with rapid growth or rapid weight changes. Stretch marks may also be influenced by hormonal changes associated with puberty, pregnancy, bodybuilding etc.
Stretch marks don't look the same on everyone. The appearance of stretch marks depends on the color of your skin; they can start out pink, reddish brown, brown, or dark brown, and fade over time to a more silvery color.Stretch marks can appear anywhere on the body, but are most likely to appear in places where larger amounts of fat are stored. Most common places are the abdomen (especially near the navel), breasts, upper arms, underarms, back, thighs (both inner and outer), hips, and buttocks. They pose no health risk in and of themselves, and do not compromise the body's ability to function normally and repair itself.
How to Get Rid of Stretch Marks
When stretch marks show up, it's best to treat them as early as possible
Research has focused on the early stages of stretch marks, when they are still red or purple and most readily respond to treatment.Once stretch marks pass the initial stage, when they are red or purple, to the later stages, where they become white or silver -- often with deep indentations -- they are much more challenging to treat.
Moisturizing three or four times a day with products that contain cocoa butter or shea butter as a prime ingredient will help. Using pure shea butter ( ori in yoruba language) is also beneficial.Massage the moisturizer deep into breasts, belly, hips, and buttocks.
Many products claim to "repair" stretch marks. But only a few a work.
Here is a list of ingredients in products which may help in treatment of stretch marks;
Wheat germ oil: There is not much scientific data on whether home remedies for stretch marks, such as wheat germ oil, can help. One recent study did find it helped improve stretch marks in their early phase.
Glycolic acid: Glycolic acid is an alpha hydroxy acid. It most likely works on stretch marks by boosting collagen production. Glycolic acid can also be administered in higher doses by a dermatologist.
Vitamin C: Certain formulations of vitamin C may also increase collagen production and help early-stage stretch marks.For maximum effect, combine with glycolic acid. Vitamin C supplements may also be effective about 500 milligrams three times a day.
Retinoids: Retinoids have been shown to be fairly effective in increasing collagen and elastic production during the early stages. But you should avoid them if you're pregnant or nursing. Retinol, tretinoin, and the prescription medications Differin, Renova, Retin-A, and Tazorac are examples of retinoids.
There are a few options on how to get rid of stretch marks actually. Cosmetic surgery or laser stretch mark removal is one option if you can afford it. Too many risks and costs associated with it.
Most people can get away with stretch mark removal cream. How effective it is depends on your skin. But at the minimum they definitely help reduce sketch mark to a large degree.
Myself personally, I was able to remove some of my sketch marks using creams. It is a slow process but i am making progress.
How do you deal with stretch marks?
AKPOS: Zebra girl
GIRL: Why?
AKPOS: Because of your stretch marks.
I found that joke quite funny even though i am a "Zebra Girl". I am on a quest to find the magic potion to get rid of stretch marks. If you have stretch marks, you would know they are one of the hardest things to get rid of.
Stretch marks are often the result of the rapid stretching of the skin associated with rapid growth or rapid weight changes. Stretch marks may also be influenced by hormonal changes associated with puberty, pregnancy, bodybuilding etc.
Stretch marks don't look the same on everyone. The appearance of stretch marks depends on the color of your skin; they can start out pink, reddish brown, brown, or dark brown, and fade over time to a more silvery color.Stretch marks can appear anywhere on the body, but are most likely to appear in places where larger amounts of fat are stored. Most common places are the abdomen (especially near the navel), breasts, upper arms, underarms, back, thighs (both inner and outer), hips, and buttocks. They pose no health risk in and of themselves, and do not compromise the body's ability to function normally and repair itself.
How to Get Rid of Stretch Marks
When stretch marks show up, it's best to treat them as early as possible
Research has focused on the early stages of stretch marks, when they are still red or purple and most readily respond to treatment.Once stretch marks pass the initial stage, when they are red or purple, to the later stages, where they become white or silver -- often with deep indentations -- they are much more challenging to treat.
Moisturizing three or four times a day with products that contain cocoa butter or shea butter as a prime ingredient will help. Using pure shea butter ( ori in yoruba language) is also beneficial.Massage the moisturizer deep into breasts, belly, hips, and buttocks.
Many products claim to "repair" stretch marks. But only a few a work.
Here is a list of ingredients in products which may help in treatment of stretch marks;
Wheat germ oil: There is not much scientific data on whether home remedies for stretch marks, such as wheat germ oil, can help. One recent study did find it helped improve stretch marks in their early phase.
Glycolic acid: Glycolic acid is an alpha hydroxy acid. It most likely works on stretch marks by boosting collagen production. Glycolic acid can also be administered in higher doses by a dermatologist.
Vitamin C: Certain formulations of vitamin C may also increase collagen production and help early-stage stretch marks.For maximum effect, combine with glycolic acid. Vitamin C supplements may also be effective about 500 milligrams three times a day.
Retinoids: Retinoids have been shown to be fairly effective in increasing collagen and elastic production during the early stages. But you should avoid them if you're pregnant or nursing. Retinol, tretinoin, and the prescription medications Differin, Renova, Retin-A, and Tazorac are examples of retinoids.
There are a few options on how to get rid of stretch marks actually. Cosmetic surgery or laser stretch mark removal is one option if you can afford it. Too many risks and costs associated with it.
Most people can get away with stretch mark removal cream. How effective it is depends on your skin. But at the minimum they definitely help reduce sketch mark to a large degree.
Myself personally, I was able to remove some of my sketch marks using creams. It is a slow process but i am making progress.
How do you deal with stretch marks?
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